STEEMCHURCH: Returning to God from the heart

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Hello my family of @steemchurch It is known that we need reform when there is something wrong, in this case, wrong with God. In the Bible we find several characters that brought a spiritual reform to the people and we could say that through time God has raised reforming men, men who have guided the people towards God, men who have heard the voice of God, men who have felt the heartbeat of God, men who have excelled in their time for their saintliness and for their passion for the Lord and have not allowed themselves to be dragged by the crowd, but have somehow paddled against the current.

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Among these men we find in the Bible Josiah king of Judah, he began to reign at the age of 8 years and kingdom for 31 years, during his reign the ministry was performed by the prophets Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah and Jeremiah.

Hezekiah - Manasseh - Amon - Josiah

Josiah was the son of Amun, grandson of Manasseh, and great-grandson of Hezekiah. Hezekiah was a king who did good in the sight of the Lord, but both Manasseh and Amun were perverse kings who turned aside the hearts of God's people. Josiah's father was a bad king In front of God.

But Josiah in his time developed a series of changes in his reign, changes that led to a great reform and I believe that those changes brought by Josiah are necessary today, Josiah lived in a difficult time in the nation where all the people had God forgotten, where what God had established was neglected, so we are going to be analyzing those changes made by Josiah. I repair the Temple (2 Kings 22: 3-7).

The Temple was apparently not in use when Josiah ascended the throne. It had become a kind of warehouse, a repository of leftovers and waste. But Josiah sent the people to work and to repair the Temple.

In the Old Testament, the Temple of God was a great construction made in brick or whatever material it was but in the New Testament the thing changes because it is no longer the place, now we are the Temple (1 Corinthians 6:19). That's what Pablo says.

Listen to the Lord's church, more important than the care of this physical Temple of brick and mortar is the care of your life and my life for the Lord. The beautiful buildings abound but our neglected Temple, Christianity in general today is very similar to the Temple of the times of Josiah. He is in great need of a repair, that is, a great renovation.

There are cracks in the Temple, there are Temples with many cracks, there are abandoned Temples, neglected.

The main reason why the Temple was neglected was because of the forgetfulness of God. The forgetting of God was what led the people to neglect their Temple, because they had simply forgotten God. The main reason why many have their Temples neglected is because they have forgotten God, today I ask them, do not you know that their body is the Lord's Temple?

Now I want you to help me with something. What the apostle says we are Temple of the Holy Spirit is something wonderful and I want us to understand it well. What was there in a Temple or what was done in a Temple?


Romans 12: 1 (NKJV) "Therefore, I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship."

Romans 12: 1 (TLA) "Therefore, my brethren, since God is so kind to you, I beg you to devote your whole life to serving Him and doing all that He likes. This is how he should be worshiped".

When we hear the word sacrifice, what does it sound like, something easy? Something that does not cost ?. To something that does not need effort ?. Every day we must cast aside our desires and follow him, putting all our energies and resources at his disposal and trusting in his direction. We do it in gratitude because our sins have been forgiven.

So in my life, as a Temple of God, there must be a sacrifice for God, to be willing to sacrifice my card, dying to what she likes. Many of the things that we must give to the Lord will cost us, it will cost us sacrifice.

My life as a Temple of God must be characterized by the sacrifice to God, which thus costs me something I do. Where are those who die in life every day, where are those who sacrifice their lives while alive, die while alive, die for the bad and live for God.


In the Old Testament it shows a very important moment in the Temple, it was time to offer the incense, it was offered in the morning and in the afternoon, when the priest burned the incense and the smoke began to rise the people who were in the Temple They began to pray and they saw the smoke rising to the sky and that smoke helped them in their faith to believe that their prayers were being heard.

The greatest motivation that every Christian should have to pray should be to know that God hears all prayer (Proverbs 15:29).

In my life, as the Temple of God, there must be prayer if there is no prayer, so I do not know that I am the Temple of God.


Adoration is more than music, to adore we do not need music, there are people that if there is not a good melody they can not worship, they can not be arranged because they simply do not worship God, they adore themselves. There are people who say ayyy is that song They do not like singing and when they like the song then you see them more willing.

Let us be careful, it is not for us, we do not sing to please ourselves, it is for God, in the Old Testament the majority of times that the word adoration appears there is no reference to music but a heart surrendered, submissive the greatness and majesty of God. In my life how Temple of God should have frequent worship.


The main reason to serve is God himself, I can not pretend to serve God and not spend time with him, I will speak to the leadership of the church.

There are very good people serving, but they do not spend 5 minutes in prayer with the Lord. They have Martha's syndrome.


Create in me, O God, a clean heart, And renew a right spirit within me. Brothers, how much do we need to tell God to create a clean heart in us, that our hearts are really clean, that we do not have bad thoughts, that we do not have bad desires, brothers and sisters and God will have mercy. God is merciful but with those who really want to be right with God, but in spite of David's sin he did not stay lying in his sin, if Lord fails, but believes in me a clean heart, we sometimes meet Christians who are they are left in their sin but we can stop and move on, David got up and did not want to be left lying in his sin or in his failure, but after having got up and trying not to fall into the same, Proverbs 4:23 Every thing saved, keep your Heart; Why does Man manage life? Brother keep your heart, that our heart is not filled with resentment.
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"The main reason why the Temple was neglected was because of the forgetfulness of God. The forgetting of God was what led the people to neglect their Temple, because they had simply forgotten God. The main reason why many have their Temples neglected is because they have forgotten God, today I ask them, do not you know that their body is the Lord's Temple?"

For God so love the world that he gives his only son for who so ever believeth in him shall have an enternal life.
His love is undetermined and unconditionally.
He never dussapoint those who put their trust in him.
The love we see between two lovers is definiatly not that which is of God .
Gods love is always the best.
When you have done the thing you think is very bad always remember that the lord jesus is always ready to accept you

In time like this we need a spiritual revival in our heart

Our hearts are the CENTRE of our lives... Let's be right with Christ there!

"When you seek me, you will find me, as long as you seek me with all my heart." Jeremiah 29:13Nothing is going to happen in your life until you find yourself dissatisfied with your way of being, until you say, "I do not like this. I'm tired of being stressed all the time. I'm tired of feeling frustrated all the time. I'm tired of overworking all the time. I'm tired of feeling alienated from God. "
Why does God allow you to get to that point because He loves you just the way you are, but He loves you so much that He will keep you from staying that way. He is not going to allow you to waste your life.

The Bible says this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, meditate on it day and night, for there in you shall have good success, in other words, when you always meditate on God's word it will rub off on your lifestyle, you will live a life of righteousness and grace, there is even an extra, you shall have good success as you do so.

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