We are warriors of the kingdom of God

Lord, you have said in your Word that whoever believes in you, from within you will flow rivers of living water (John 7:38).
I believe in you and I want your living water to flow in me and through me today and every day of my life. I invite your Holy Spirit to fill me again at this time. Like a spring that constantly renews its fresh water to keep it pure, I ask you to renew me in the same way.

Your Word says that "the Spirit helps us in our weakness, for what we have to ask for as we should, we do not know, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans untold" (Rom 8:26). Holy Spirit, I invite you to pray through me, help me in my weakness; Show me the things I do not know about you.

I am fully aware of how much I need your power to transform me and my circumstances. I do not want to lead an inefficient life. I want to live in the dynamic power of your Spirit. I do not want to be spiritually below what I can be. I want to be a winner. You paid a very high price so that I could belong to you. Help me to live that way. You planned a course for my life so that you can define it. Help me to act that way. You made it possible for me to defeat my enemy. Help me not to forget it. You sent your Holy Spirit so that I could live with power. Help me to fulfill that promise. You gave your life for me because you loved me. Help me do the same with you.

I put all my expectations in you, Lord. I regret the times I expected other people or other things to meet my expectations when I should have looked at you. You are the only one who can satisfy me because you are all I need. Everything I ever wanted in my life I can find it in you. Help me to remember that I must not live according to my strength, but by the power of the Holy Spirit that dwells in me. Forgive me for the times I forgot this. Allow me to grow in the things of your Kingdom, so that I become a daughter of yours that acts as it should and in a total, productive and collaborative way that moves forward in your purpose for my life. Thank my Lord. In the precious Name of Jesus your beloved Son. AMEN!


Hola @victoriasarai17 he visto varios de tus post y veo que tienes problemas para colocar correctamente las fuentes de las imágenes es por ello que te daré algunos consejos para evitar estos problemas.

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muchas Gracias chico! estoy nueva y lo poco que he aprendido es relacionándome en steemit! me hacia mucha falta este consejo te lo agradezco.

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