in #steemchurch6 years ago

If you can obey God, then you are prosperous

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Deuteronomy 30:1-10
v1"I have now given you a choice between a blessing and a curse. When all these things have happened to you, and you are living among the nations where the LORD your God has scattered you, you will remember the choice I gave you.

vv2-5 If you and your descendants will turn back to the LORD and with all your heart obey his commands that I am giving you today, then the LORD your God will have mercy on you. He will bring you back from the nations where he has scattered you, and he will make you prosperous again. Even if you are scattered to the farthest corners of the earth, the LORD your God will gather you together and bring you back, so that you may again take possession of the land where your ancestors once lived. And he will make you more prosperous and more numerous than your ancestors ever were.

vv6-8 The LORD your God will give you and your descendants obedient hearts, so that you will love him with all your heart, and you will continue to live in that land. He will turn all these curses against your enemies, who hated you and oppressed you, and you will again obey him and keep all his commands that I am giving you today.

v9 The LORD will make you prosperous in all that you do; you will have many children and a lot of livestock, and your fields will produce abundant crops. He will be as glad to make you prosperous as he was to make your ancestors prosperous,

v10 but you will have to obey him and keep all his laws that are written in this book of his teachings. You will have to turn to him with all your heart.

While reading that passage of the scripture, God opened my eyes to deep truths and blessings that are tied to our obeying Him. However, verses 1, 8 and 10 of the passage emphasized the need for us to return to God in obedience. Obeying God in this context is the only qualification tied to our blessings and prosperity. Remember, the first sin of man was that of disobedience. This caused man to miss the bliss and blessings of Eden. If we can return to the Lord in obedience, the following blessings will be ours to enjoy:

  • God will restore your fortunes (v3). He will restore your losses and your days/years. It doesn't matter what you've lost in the past 10 months of 2018, you can recover all.
  • God will show you compassion (v3). The attribute of God that allows Him heal us and bless us is His mercy and compassion. This compassion will attract every other blessing our way.
  • God will gather you and your people together from the ends of the earth (v3). Strife and quarrels are imminent where people fail to obey God. When we return to Him in obedience, He will cause a surge of peace like a river for our lives, families, church, organizations and the society at large. This gathering intended by God will supersede every accusation that had led to the separation/banishing (v4).
  • God will take you to the place and land of your inheritance (v5). Many times we forfeit our inheritances due to disobedience. God has promised to avail us access to our inheritances be they spiritual, material, name them...
  • God will prosper and increase you (v6). Don't forget that increase and multiplication had been in the DNA of man from the beginning. AT the point of obedience, God will activate it to manifestation.
  • God will circumcise your heart and that of your children and family to love Him (v6).
  • God will give you life (v.6)
  • God will curse your enemies and those who persecute you (v7).
  • God will make you prosperous in your vocation, work, business, skills, name them. Indeed, He will bless the works of your hands (v.9).
  • God will prosper the fruit of your womb (v9). For those who obey God, barrenness is no option.
  • God will preserve your livestock and farmlands (v.9)
  • God will be pleased with you (v.9). Becoming God's delight should be the height of our aspiration. When He is pleased with us, then all things will respond to us.

As we begin a new week today, make a commitment to obey God. This obedience has been reduced to two things in line with Matthew 22: 37-39, Loving God and loving people. When we love God, we won't sin against Him and when we love people, we won't also sin against them.

Consciously make today count by obeying God.


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I am your Brother @Uyobong (God'svoice)


When we preach about prosperity we must do it with great care, because it is true that God wants us to be props in everything we undertake, but also this blessing is subject to obedience, to the principles of his word. False prosperity is what people believe can be earned by works, or by going to church, there are promises in the scriptures for those who keep the word and put it to work.

Certainly brother @uyobong obedience brings eternal blessings, and it is a promise that brings us spiritual and physical security so that we can travel through this mortal existence, with victory in all our ways, for example obedience played an important role in the prophets of antiquity, it was a distinctive feature that provided strength and knowledge throughout history, because, we also have the right to access that source of strength and knowledge by obeying everything to God
Excellent message

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