Design for your future

in #steemchurch5 years ago

"If you project something, it will turn out well for you, and the light will shine in your ways" (Job 22:28).

The projects are synonymous with pregnancy. A pregnant woman knows that her son is going to be born, because she feels her son inside her. A healthy pregnancy is when the couple is organized (project) to receive this child. There are two types of projects: The short-term project, and the long-term project. The choice is ours. In this message we will learn how to project.

Nothing happens by chance, be it good or bad, whether in words, in actions. Everything that happens in our lives, first is born in our heart. When we look at the drama lived with the people of Israel after the death of their great Leader Moses, it is that God had never lost control, but in the substitute Joshua there were great problems. One of these personal problems was the lack of disposition. God saw in Joshua a great leader, but Joshua was a fearful, he was a tireless worker, but he was very undecided. (Joshua 1: 5-9)

Two things we must learn here: to have GOOD ENCOURAGEMENT AND GOD NEVER ABANDON US.

We have been created with duties and rights. The duty to strive and the right of usufruct. "Because when you are still with us, we order you this if someone does not want to work, neither does he eat" (2 Thessalonians 3: 10).

  1. THE LAW OF THE SEMEADURA. "Do not be deceived: God does not mock, because what man sows, that will also reap" (Galatians 6: 7).

God has left at our disposal, a vast world of opportunities. We have the opportunity to choose, and if we are faithful, God will honor us. Fear in the Lord along with our effort is the secret to our success. "Blessed is he who fears the Lord and walks in his ways, you shall eat of the work of your hands, happy you shall be, and all will be well with you" (Psalm 128: 1-2).

  1. BE INTELLIGENT. "If you leave the ax to lose the cut and do not sharpen it, you will have to work much more, it is smarter to plan before you act" (Ecclesiastes 10: 10 - Today's Language).

This verse means making life easier. To have wood for firewood, first, you have to sharpen the ax. The question is to work well and not in an arduous way. This message aims to sharpen our intelligence so that we are victorious. This verse speaks of two things: EMBOTATED IRON AND ABILITY.

EMBOTATED IRON MEANS UNCUT, represents the Christian who prays without direction, prays without intelligence.

THE ABILITY IS THE INTELLIGENT AND EXPECTED BREEDER. Example: You can be dedicated in the service, but if you do not expand your knowledge you will never be promoted. Many are engaged in the work of God, but in their home they are true failures. This happens because he lacks wisdom. Prayer is not magic words. Prayer must be accompanied with intelligence. Serving God does not mean that we are going to succeed, we need to sharpen our ax, sharpening the ax is making life easier.

We must not wait for God to work for us, but He can work through us. "The one who springs up, Apollo watered, but the growth came from God, so that what he plants is not something, what he waters, but God, who gives the growth, and who waters is one, and each one will receive his reward, according to your own work, because of God we are cooperators, the cultivation of God, the building of God you are "(1 Corinthians 3: 6-9).

Paul and Apollo had to do their part for God to make theirs. We have to learn from other people. When we look at someone successful, we declare that we are intelligent. Our life is learning. The Bible says: "I pray also to young people: be submissive to those who are older, and in the dealings with one another, all of you gird yourselves with humility, because God resists the proud, yet gives the humble His grace" (1 Peter 5: 5)

We do not need to be the same as another successful person, but it is reflected in it. There are people who do not accept to learn with other people, this is lack of wisdom and humility. Paul himself told the Corinthians to reflect on someone because they were lost in their attitudes. "Seat my imitators, as I also am of Christ" (1 Corinthians 11: 1).

  1. MENTALITY WISH. "For forty years the children of Israel walked through the wilderness, until all the people of the men of war who came out of Egypt, who did not obey the voice of the Lord, whom the Lord had sworn had not come to them, were over. to let see the land that the Lord, under oath, promised to give to his parents, land that flows with milk and honey "(Joshua 5: 6).

The people of Israel were lost for forty years in the desert, a trip they could make in just 11 days. Why? Because they had a desert mentality. Desert mentality are rules that man creates for himself: I believe so; I am going to do like this and give; Whoever wants to be like that; Who loves me has to be like that and I will not change; etc. There are people beating on the same key for many years. Designing for the future is to reevaluate our knowledge and attitudes.

In conclusion many are going around and around the same mountain instead of progressing. We need to walk not quickly, but with certainty and certainty that we are in the right direction, we really need to experience victory. Example: The person prefers to stay for years hoping for a promotion through the recognition of the boss, than going to do a 2 year course to have the promotion. They are the people who delay the course of life, not wanting to make an effort.

"Everything that comes to your hand to do, do it according to your strength, because in the hereafter, where you are going, there is no work, no plans, no knowledge, no wisdom" (Ecclesiastes 9: 10).

Strive that your blessing will come.

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