Program Update: Traces of love in Health and what the Bible provides about medicine.

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Dear Community of SteemChurch! Health.

While we update the Health program carried out by this Sacred Community, we thank God and @sirknight for the acquisition of supplies for the First Aid Boutiquíes, which we will soon deliver to different schools. We also thank all the Parishioners and Friends who are collaborating arduously in this steemchurch program, God grant them long life and health.


We take this opportunity to leave a teaching about medicine in the Bible!

Some ask:

Is there a teaching in the Bible that affirms that it is a sin to resort to medicine to cure diseases?

Would the use of medical science be an indication of lack of faith? These are constant dilemmas in the Christian milieu, some religions prohibit their community from resorting to medical procedures such as: blood transfusion, transplants, etc.

I know that the subject is a good point to discuss, but we just want this post to be a support to help people looking for biblical references for the use of medicine:

The first reference is in the book of Genesis when God makes a cut in the rib of Adam in order to originate Eve.

In this surgical operation of God, the social role of men and women is present, but also, and splendidly, the role of medicine in the origin of all human beings; chemistry, biology, genetics and others.

Genesis tells us that God created Eve using material removed from Adam's side. (Genesis 2: 21-22) The Hebrew word for what was taken from Adam tsela = rib

The components needed to make Eve were already in the cells of Adam, that is, human chromosomes, which carry the genetic material for the human body. All humans have 46 chromosomes, but sex is determined by only two of them - called X and Y. The males have an X and a Y. The females have two X's.

To make the female cells of male cells, God had all the different types of chromosomes he needed. He took out the "Y" and doubled the "X", but He did not have to invent any new chromosome.

Adam and Eve were, unique and separate creations, products of a God who knew how to coherently manipulate the scientific data he had in his hands.


Health practices and personal hygiene in favor of health

"When there is someone among you who, by some nocturnal accident, is not clean, he will go out of the camp, he will not enter it, so that, declining the afternoon, he will wash himself in water, and, Sun, you will enter the middle of the camp. You will also have a place outside the camp, where you will go out, and among your weapons you will have a shovel, and when you are seated, you will dig with it and, turning around, you will cover what you have defrauded. "
Deuteronomy 23: 10-13

To burn dead animals, to wash the spoils of war with running water and / or to sterilize with fire were measures also dictated by God so that Israel would have prolonged days of life, with health.

Currently, countries that do not have basic sanitation policies have higher rates of illness and death, due to the proliferation of germs that cause many diseases. God taught about insulating clothes and belongings from lepers.

It is proven that leprosy was highly contagious and that its bacteria could survive up to three weeks outside the body.


Circumcision on the 8th day

God instituted the circumcision of children born in Israel from the eighth day of life (Genesis 17:12).

News from a Health magazine!

Medical researchers discovered that the two main blood coagulation factors, vitamin K and prothrombin, reach their highest level in life, about 110% of normal, on day 8 after birth. These blood coagulation agents facilitate rapid healing and reduce the chances of infection. Currently, any circumcision procedure before the 8th day will require injections of vitamin K to heal without problems.

What took years in research to be discovered, was already written by the Physician of doctors in the pages of the Holy Bible


In the New Testament

Jesus Christ said: "Those who are well do not need a doctor, but those who are sick" (Luke 5:31). It was a clear reference to the healing of the spirit, being He, Jesus, the cure of those sick.

Do not forget that Luke narrates events in the life of Jesus, he was a doctor and at no time in the Bible is it said that he stopped practicing medicine because of faith. In Colossians 4:14 Paul refers to Luke as the "beloved physician."

Jesus, in the exercise of his ministry, found many sick people, multitudes who were suffering from the ineffectiveness of the medicine of that time. Jesus came bringing healing and teaching that several factors could motivate the disease of the body, spirituality was one of those causes. However, we should not consider every disease as the fruit of sin, curse. The diseases were also consequences of lack of health care, accidents and others.

We can conclude that God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit have all the power to cure any disease that is. We must always turn to Him to win the simplest to the most terrible diagnosis. Throughout the biblical context, we can conclude that God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit have all the power to cure any disease that is. We must always turn to Him to overcome from the softest to the most terrible diagnosis. A life of constant prayer and adoration will give us assurance that God is in control of what happens to us. And if God created faith and medicine, we are not condemned to suffer from diseases that medicine can help heal. However, and above all things, our trust should not be in men, but in God.

James 5: 14-16

"Is anyone among you sick, call the priests of the church, and pray over him, anointing with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him, and if he has committed sins, you will be forgiven, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that they may go out.

Raise your flag and leave a trace of love




One of God's name is Jehova "Rapha" - The God that heals. Our God is the number One Doctor and Medical Specialist. @Steemchurch is really spreading love everyday. God bless @Steemchurch.

Good Addition UY, in many ways God has revealed names so that we have the enlightenment of everything he is capable of doing in our lives and in eternity. Jehova Rapha: Our healer.

All scripture is full of the medical expertise of of God and God's people. It takes the hand of God for healing to be perfected. Steemchurch, taking after Christ is also committed to a great healthcare delivery. . Congratulations to us. Thank you @Emiliocabrera for this thoughtful research.

Excellent Evegrace contribution! Thanks, by the way, how is Health in Nigeria?

Great this update, yesterday just spoke with some colleagues about what the Bible describes about medicine, many were surprised with some events that occurred in antiquity and today are new news. God bless this program and multiply by a thousand the advances of @steemchurch!

I am glad to know that you are sharing the word of God Ammarn, to deepen the subject of health is profound but, the essential thing is to know that we must take care of the life that God gave us.

God loves Health, he wants us all to enjoy a healthy life, that is why he has provided mainly the Faith so that we trust that Jesus is our healer, he also created medical science so that there are medical solutions. Today I pray for medicine worldwide so that more than a business, it is a blessing for people and health on the planet reigns. Beautifull Boutiquíes. Blessings to steemchurch

Amen dear Lorennys, thank you for your support, very important what you say, we all have the right to health. Governments should avoid any spread of disease.

Hi Brothers and Friends, captivating publication, my mom always says that after God, health is first, with health we can work and get other things. Efforts and dedication always achieve the objectives. These boutiquíes represent actions of love.

Yes Bertha, if we enjoy good health, there is vigor to do any activity. Although they are small goals, they mean a lot to people who have nothing. Thank you

God bless you brothers of the SteemChurch, it's good that you got all the supplies, I have some things to contribute for the kits. Good message about the Bible and medicine, is edifying for the community.

Thanks brother Josealex, your support is important! God multiply.

I believe that it is not a sin to resort to medicine ... God gives wisdom to man to advance in scientific studies and to be able to get the cure for serious diseases and new diseases that are appearing.

Well said Blessed- Girl, everything God does to help people is good. He is the Creator! Thanks for passing

I am very much impressed about the immense contribution of our beloved founder of Steemchurch; Sirknight and the individuals who in diverse ways have contributed for the successes of this community.

Thanks Oppongk, we always say that SK is a species in extinction, we should imitate the example of Jesus and good people like @sirknight

Great @emiliocabrera, I am praying for all the plans of @SteemChurch and its parishes, we can encourage Health in all areas as it says this publication, health in the spiritual, in the body and bring love everywhere.

Thanks Kristal, the integral health that involves the inner being of people and their attitude towards life, what God calls heart and that we must preserve!

God bless @steemchurch for indeed showing love to the rest of the world through this wonderful and great programmes. God bless you.

Amen Charles, small beginnings will lead us to more great opportunities! Thank you.

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