in #steemchurch5 years ago (edited)


What is a Biblical membership?

All Christians have a concept about what it means to access the membership of a specific church. And immediately after we have an encounter with Jesus we look for a local church to congregate, and as we grow spiritually in the word and in the work of the Lord we put our talents at their disposal and that is when we assume the role of membership in the church that we congregate.
I believe that all the brothers who have assumed the role of membership in this community of steemchurch attend a local church to congregate as we know that in this medium, we do it through continuous work but through social networks such as the internet.

This does not mean that we do not have commitment to the community and we can not put our talents at the disposal of this virtual platform that many people constantly agree to read or seek an answer to all the problems that humanity is experiencing today. Steemchurch is a community inspired by the love of God with a vision focused on Jesus and with a motto entitled "Crusade for freedom"

Steemchurch from the beginning had a focus of showing Jesus to mankind through this platform promoting freedom for the believer, because we know that the only one who can liberate man is called Jesus Christ.
For this reason as a leader of this community of steemchurch- Venezuela today I call on all parishioners who have committed to this church through the membership to work together to achieve this crusade for freedom that spoke from the beginning our maximum leader @sirknight A real and shared work where everyone can put their talents at the disposal of this community with the specific objective of extending the government of God on this earth.

Image result for Membership

How are we going to extend it?

First of all we have beautiful talents that God has given us through his grace and they must be worked and administered on this platform through projects, social work, evangelism … we are not only going to write sermons and nothing else; up there the commitment! No, dear brothers, we need to go further and deepen the commitment we have made and reflect on: What can I do with my talents? How can I administer them in my community? What social work can I implement to help grow or extend the kingdom of God? and thus contribute to the social work that steemchurch has been doing.
All of us here need to be motivated in what we do from the parishioners to the leaders, for example the leader reviews his reflections and motivates him by giving resteem to the best sermons and makes his respective comments. In the same way the leader also needs to know what you think about the reflections that he or she builds for the whole audience.
Remember that 1 Timothy 5:18 tells us: "Every worker is worthy of his salary: It is clear that any worker has the right and is worthy to receive his salary, his reward, or his consideration, or reward, or reward for the work he performs , it is here when we should read what the Lord said in: Juah 4:36 And he who reaps receives a salary, and reaps fruit for eternal life, so that he who sows may rejoice with him who reaps.

Are you fulfilling your vital role in the body of Christ?

We must reflect on our responsibility as members of the body of Christ since the Bible warns us that the family of God is the church of the living God, bulwark and column of truth.
Dear brothers and sisters, let us not take this reflection as a routine and rough routine, take it with humility and as a spiritual truth to grow and spread in the kingdom of God. We need to be good stewards of what God has given us.

We all want to be blessed but we have to work, fight to achieve the goals, not only in steemchurch but in the great opportunity that blockchain technology offers in general.

Blessings to all!

What to do now?

@Sc-v, will be in the communities and rural areas implementing social work and our educational campaigns, to which we will integrate Steemchurch Telos, this is a wonderful opportunity to grow, to bring hope to many people, children are the fundamental pillars to build that desired future.

SteemChurch Telos Expansion:
Your NEW SteemChurch Telos account

The SteemChurch Telos expansion is about establishing ourselves on a new platform capable of facilitating commerce, banking, trade and logistics’ – opening up many more opportunities than social media and blogs.

Telos is one of the most advanced blockchains on the planet. Incredibly fast and highly scalable. Built from the same blockchain architecture as EOS, Telos can do everything EOS can do. At the moment, however, Telos is relatively unknown and resources are cheap. Which means that we are establishing here at an ideal time.

For the first access to your account we recommend that you download SQRL to your PC.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to consult through the email:
[email protected]

Or in our situation room SC.Telos in Telgram:

To register at Steemchurch telos, fill out the following form:

Blessed are those who work for peace, because they will be called children of God. Matthew 5: 9 | NVI

We thank our collaborators

@sirknight,@sniffnscurry,@pennsif,@adollaraday,@fundition,@redpalestino, @wilx, @charitycurator, @theycallmedan,@curatorhulk, @impactn-projects,@partiko, @hanshotfirst,@newhope.

Our special thanks @steempress-io. for their collaboration to add value to this platform. If you want to use steempress, look for information here:steempress

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :

Thanks @ricci01 for this reflection, we should not take the things of God in vain, I think it is one of the things that God processes our steps to know who are the faithful who will be willing to expand the kingdom, remember that the word is not it is to commercialize but to liberate and glorify the name of God....


Amen @darlenys01, I appreciate your comment, thanks for the motivation. DTB.

This message has the support of @steemchurch International Ministry, the community that leads the crusade for freedom through the love of Jesus, freedom of the body, soul and spirit to impact the world. Created on the blockchain steem and expanded to the improved blockchain Telos.

Read more about our vision here

Steemchurch is a community that establishes social projects in countries like Venezuela, Nigeria, Ghana and the Philippines, educating and training children, so that they are men and women who change history tomorrow.


Each time you support with some delegation you will be collaborating with the feeding, education of thousands of children, the restoration of the family, and the promotion of blockchain technology in the world

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Thank you very much for this reflection @ricci01. Very true, the membership makes us responsible and leads us to use the talents that God has given us to extend his kingdom on this earth. It is our duty to access them to honor the work of God.

Excellent reflection @ricci01, assume the membership of the church is a commitment to honor God, because we have to responsibly manage the talents that God has given us internally and externally to extend the growth of God's work.

Well said @ricci01 _ All of us here need to be motivated in what we do from the parishioners to the leaders. Membership is something serious and responsibility.

Thank you @Sc-v for sharing this focus. Membership is what guarantees our rights to family blessings.

The Lord knoweth them that are His...

Posted using Partiko Android

Great declaration of membership, thank you @sc-_v

It's time for the dynamics, it's time for action. It is time to promote the potential that God has given us through our management with the communities and the expansion of the kingdom of Christ on earth. By Cantaura @elpastor already presented our Action Plan. We will conquer the world for Christ.

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