To Mankind, There Are Unseen Behaviors, But To God Everything Has Been Revealed.

in #steemchurch5 years ago

Hello beloved Parishioners of SteemChurch International Ministry peace be unto you all! We welcome to the blog of SteemChurch Ghana, @sc-g.


Let us remember this, to every man there are some unseen behaviors that do not reveal to people that we live with, but to God no single behavior of mankind would be hidden, for everything is revealed before him. Every secrete of our lives is known to him no matter we hide ourselves He will see us; if we want we should hide ourselves under the sea, for he will see us, let's hide ourselves in the Earth, He will still see us, let's go to forest and create shelter to hide ourselves He will again see us. So the Bible makes it clear to us that the sins that we commit, we do not commit against mankind, but we commit against our Almighty,our Maker. Because, sometimes we hide from our Brothers and commit sins, thinking that they will not see it, but before God those sins have already been revealed.

Let us quickly look at the Book of Isaiah in relation to this sermon:

"Woe to those who go to great depths
to hide their plans from the Lord,
who do their work in darkness and think,
“Who sees us? Who will know?”
You turn things upside down,
as if the potter were thought to be like the clay!
Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it,
“You did not make me”?
Can the pot say to the potter,
“You know nothing”?
(Isaiah 29:15-16)

Though the whole World is very large to hide at some small corner and commit sin, but God is the Maker of the World, He knows every place, wherever we find ourselves at any point in time He knows it. He knows our present plans and our future plans, simple because He created us. So, the Book of Isaiah gives us good explanation to this that: "A pot cannot say to the potter that you knows nothing or you did not make me." How did the clay become a pot? It is the potter who made it right? So then, the potter knows everything about the pot, even if it gets lost and it it is found somewhere, the potter can identify it that it is the right pot that he was made. It therefore vivid to understand that God knows whatever we are doing whether good or bad, and He loves the good aspect of our lives that why we should not hide under the carpet and think that after all mankind did not see me.


To mankind we can easily hide some of our unscrupulous behaviors and attitudes, but with God what we think to be unseen have been revealed before him. We should therefore order our step in such a way that we do not hide some where a think mankind did not see me. Our behaviors must be of Christian attitude, every Christian is modest and honest in all aspect of life. The second coming of Christ is at hand, and we should not think that is far so we will indulge ourselves and sin small so that later we repent. No one knows to actual time and date of Christ second coming. We are informed that it will be like a thief going to steal, unexpectedly you face him for what he want from you. Let us all be vigilant in this end time and act accordingly so that we do not fall short that will deny our salvation.

Greetings to everyone in SteemChurch International Ministry, and have a blessed day.


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The psalmist asks God in his prayers to reveal the sins that are hidden even from his own life, we cannot lie to God, he knows all the intentions of the soul and the heart.

Very true dear sister. We need to live wholly but not partially when we are with the Lord.

That true about human behavior, we keep on hiding things from neighbours, but with God nothing is hidden.

Nothing can be hidden from God gor He created all things .

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