in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Greeting to everyone at steemchurch. It is indeed a great privilege to be part of the fastest growing church of the blockchain.

The Steemchurch is growing from strength to strength and we thank God for the grace He has showered on us.

The Lord has placed on our heart to embark on a project which we believe will help portray the good works carried out by wonderful parishioners and also help to fulfill one of our core values: ensuring liberty and basic human rights for all.

The freeedom for everyone would not just end on the blockchain but also to all at every nook and cranny where Steecmchurch is found.


Every individual human being has the right to education in every country. In Ghana it is one of the fundamental human rights enshrined in our constitution.

This has paved way for free education from the basic level to the secondary level in order to give every child the chance to be educated. However parents have to take care of the basic needs of their children while they enjoy free tuition and other free supplies from the government.

Though education has been made free but not entirely free as some of these children still lack basic educational materials like textbooks, furniture, school uniforms, to assist them for proper schooling and these pose a big challenge that withstand effective concentration and proper learning.

Moreover they hinder pupils from having quality education and we as church are committed to support in anyway we can.

Therefore we have made it our aim to:

  • Help needy students or pupils to get access to free education in the country.

  • Support schools in deprived areas with educational materials.

  • Host educational programs intended to fight against child labour, child abuse by parents.

  • Work with the educational authorities, government, media houses to see how best some major challenges facing pupils in basic and second cycle institutions can be addressed and dealt with.


This initiative will focus on assisting needy pupils in deprived schools. We know it will be a great work and many hands will be needed for it to be materialised.

Our target group for now are those at the basic schools found at remote areas in the country who are often ignored and do not enjoy some privilages their fellows in the urban centres enjoy.

Education has really impacted our lives and has raised us to the level where we are today therefore we cannot undermine the importance of education and the need for everyone to have access to education.


Upon a recent visit to some schools namely: Maaban Preby School and Anansu Presby Primary all located in Ashanti Region- Ghana, we discovered some challenges that the pupils face in their schools.

These young pupils in the kindergarten lack adequate tables and chairs to help them for effective concentration on their lessons.


This is another dilapidated buildings we came across which has been left in its deplorable state for years which pose danger as student study in them.



Here are pupils sharing few tables and chairs due to shortages, this has led to a situation where some had to sit on the floor. Some have no school uniforms, school bags and they all had to manage few texbooks and exercise books available.




We know the government, educational authorities and institutions have the duty to attend to some of the challenges we have higlighted but why wait when we can possibly support in our own small way.

Building a nation is not the responbility of one person and it is the citizens that make up the government. We as church wants to spread the love till it reahces every corner in our communities and in the rest of the world.

As the saying goes, charity begins at home and so we have decided to collaborate with churhces around these communities and districts to see how best they can also support or help the steemchurch Ghana in our quest to support needy students in schools.

Steemchurch Ghana will not hoard earnings we make on steemit for ourselves but we will utilise it to make impact in the life of people to bring about tranformations especially in the life of these young folks whose education is hindered due to lack of support.

The love we have found from our great leader @sirknight has instilled in us the need to be helpful to those who are also in need.
Join us in this this crusade for freedom in anyway you can.

God bless you all



Excellent my brothers, God with you for all good work, in passing tell you that these beautiful children deserve all the effort to give a better future, making him know that God is good and forever is his mercy.The Lord fulfills the desires of their hearts, they are transformers of environments.


Indeed they deserve better life and we the churches can stand and make these children a great one. Thanks @sc-v

This is a great project to embark on @sc-g.
Education is indeed the key to the future. God bless you all for this

God bless you too

When I read this message and saw the pictures of these beautiful children, my heart beat stronger. Since they could carry out their project, I am very happy that there are people like you who work in these cases. I know they will achieve it.

Those beautiful children also deserves quality Education. DM

As a church, we need to come together to help our government to make our countries a better place for us and this can be achieved through Educating the youth. Thanks @sc-g for such a project for putting smiles on the faces of the needy.

The betterness of every nation depends on me and you. We should stand and make the wrong right.

Education is the bedrock of every nation especially educating the younger generation.With the love which @sirknight have it is an honor to be part of this life changing project....

Go high @sirknight
Go high @steemchurch
Go high @sc-g
Go high @sc-v
Go high @sc-n

Our legendary @sirknight is love.

Education is the key to success. Hence, we must do our best possible to aid the deprived ones get quality education. They all have roles to play in nation building and to make this world a better place. Let's support this wonderful initiative

I hope you will join the train as well

Sister God bless this beautiful project, I think that with your effort and the effort of all of us as members of the body of Christ is going to achieve a radical change in Ghana in all sectors, I know that God is doing something in secret and unveiled it publicly for blessing everyone. God bless you greatly, they are royal priesthood, holy nation and people chosen by God, God bless Ghana

I really like your second line with the effort of all members of steemchurch nothing is not achievable

Without doubt education has truly made us all reach the height where we are today. It is difficult for a nation to develope without education and I find this a great project that will help to give hope, inspire and impact lives. I'm so glad to be part of this intiative and willing to support it in anyway I can. I have personally seen the plight of some of these children and sometimes it is like they are living on their own planet since they have been totally neglected. I believe this project will be duly supported by many stakeholders and opinion leaders ones we embark on it since many have already expressed their dissatisfaction with what goes on in education in the rural areas of Ghana. Well done #steemchurch Ghana and God bless @sirknight for the support.

I really appreciate your move towards reaching out to children out there and help them to build on their career by stretching out a hand of help in the area of education.
The best gift to give to our children is education. May God continue to uphold you as you embark on the journey of helping others.

Instruction is the way to progress. Thus, we should do our most ideal to help the denied ones get quality training. They all have parts to play in country constructing and to improve this world a place. We should bolster this superb activity

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