in #steemchurch4 years ago (edited)


You can read the part I here

Part II here

Like i said from the beginning that, Freedom is good, it is priceless. Freedom is to be able to do whatever you want and at the time you want it.

I want to tell you, don't be deceived by anybody, God will require their souls from you. You that says you have the spiritual strength to do certain things, that your faith is so strong and you mislead you believers away from the truth, i tell you, you are by so doing misusing your LIBERTY.

Apostle Paul said, wherefore, if meat (whatsoever thing you like doing) make my brother to offend i will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest make my brother to offend. I think this should be you stand too.

Exercise caution and be disciplined. Look for the good of others, deny yourself of whatever thing that is capable of offending others though you have the liberty to do so.
I corinthians 10:24 say; "Let no man seek his own but every man another's wealth".
Always think of others first. Whatever therefore ye eat or drink, or whatever ye do, do all to the glory of God. Think of how to please God and nit yourself. You are nit yourself, you do not own yourself, you belong to God, your body is the temple of Holy spirit, you are brought with a price and you cannot afford to displease your owner (God). God is the only way to have LIBERTY.

I want to use this medium to say massive thanks to @mustard, @communitycoin and @olawalium for their awesome visiting. May God continue to blessed your heart. And others i couldn't mention God bless you all.

Thank you for your time.

Always Remember To Pray For Your Love Once.

Still Me, @Princefm.

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