in #stach4 years ago


You can read the part I here

Like i said, Freedom is good, it is priceless. Freedom is to be able to do whatever one want and at the you want it.

Jesus had liberty. He said "Thinkest thou that i cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?" Matthew 26:53, but Jesus did not misuse the liberty he had. He preferred to allow the will of His father to happen.

who are you to take liberty for licence to do evil and go against the will of God and mess up your eternity and lives of other that are emulating you.

You are not to use your liberty s a cloak(coverage) to do/live evil life.

"As free, and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as servants of God." I Peter 2:26. You that you changed your skin complexion from dark to light so that the opposite sex can admire you, or for whatever reason, you are using your liberty to destroy the work of God. Is it not God that made you the way you are? Why should you made what God has made perfect to become imperfect.
You that you are found of dressing provocatively, you want to look sexy, you therefore expose vital area of your body you don't know that you are misusing your liberty to send feeble heated men to hell.

Liberty is not what you and I can take for granted or misuse. It's total freedom from devils' bondage.
Work in the way of the Lord, obey Him, serve Him with all your heart and you shall enjoy the LIBERTY in Him.

I want to use this medium to say massive thanks to @mustard and @olawalium for their awesome visiting. May God continue to blessed your heart. And others that visit my bloq too, thank you so much.

God bless you all as you read.

Always Remember To Pray For Your Love Once.

Still Me, @Princefm.

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