Does God Forgive Serious Sins???

in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)


It is very heart warming and comforting to know that one of our God's foremost qualities is Mercy. Observe what a psalmist said at Psalm 130:3,4;

If errors were what you watch, O Jah, who could stand? For there is the true forgiveness with you, in order that you may be feared.

Another passage reads ;

As far off as the sunrise is from the sunset, so far off from us he has put our transgressions. As a father shows mercy to his sons, Jehovah has shown mercy to those fearing him.

Clearly, our God's mercy is complete and it takes into account our limitations and imperfections - that we are Dust.

I will quickly be sharing three fundamental steps as highlighted by God's word the Bible, on what we need to do in order to reciecve God's mercy before discussing the main question for today.

  • Firstly, you need to lift the veil of ignorance by getting an accurate knowledge of God and his standards as properly outlined in the Bible.

  • Secondly, Heartfelt repentance. The Bible book of Acts 3:19 says,

Repent, therefore and turn around so as to get your sins blotted out.

  • Thirdly, Turn around. Now, to "turn around" means to abandon one's old ways and attributes and to adopt God's standards and viewpoints.

This brings us to this important question ;

Does God Forgive Serious Sins?

Well, there are some people whose sins God does not forgive. Apostle Paul wrote at Hebrew 10:26,27;

If we practice sin willfully after having the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left, but there is a certain fearful expectation of judgment.

The word "practice sin willfully" means ingranied badness, truly wicked heart.

Judas Iscariot developed such a heart.

Now, there is something I want us all to take note of, it is not only the sin but also the attitude of the sinner that our God notes.

Let's quickly reflect for a moment on the two evildoers impalde alongside Jesus. Both committed serious crimes. Observe what one of the men said ;

We are receiving in full what what we deserve for the things we did; but this man (Jesus) did nothing out of the way.

These words indicate that he knew something about Jesus. And that knowledge alone contributed to a wholesome change in his attitude. See what he said next ;

Remember me, when you get to your kingdom.

How did Christ respond to that heartfelt entreaty?

Truly I tell you today ; You will be with me in Paradise (Luke 23:41-43).

How heartwarming these words are. Indeed, we can be sure that both Jesus Christ and his father Jehovah, will show compassion towards all who manifest true repentance regardless of their past deeds.


God will forgive the worst sinner who truly repents:

(1 Timothy 1:15-16 NIV) Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners--of whom I am the worst. {16} But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.

If someone who claims to be a believer persists in their sins it reaches a point where you have to wonder if they're truly saved. A real Christian will never be comfortable living in sin but someone who really isn't saved will be.

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

You may rely on it

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