STEEMCHURCH - Second Submission

Vision, Mission, Objectives, and Goals Of Steemchurch

Hello Brethren of the Steemchurch and Welcome to my second submission and maybe the final submission.
However, on this submission, I will pick some very great statements that have been made by SirKnight and other Apostles of the Steemchurch concerning what the Steemchurch is about. Enjoy.

In order for mankind to break the chains of slavery, he must first embrace a new chain called "The Blockchain".
In that regard, I welcome you to the;

Holy Church Of Cryptography, Blockchain and Steem


In the Order Of SirKnight

For too long, this world has been damned by greed and corruption and now we stand upon a precipice. We either accept enslavement or we CRUSADE against it.

We have been gifted technologically in Cryptography and Blockchain which could end the bondage Stemming from Invisible and Evil dictatorship and grant us freedom...Real Freedom.

Vision Statement

The following are the vision statement Of the Steemchurch
Firstly, to create a community to discuss;

  • Christ
  • Freedom
  • Liberty
  • Human right
  • Community Spirit
  • The patriarchy
  • Family and so many other areas of life thereby creating a beautiful, exciting and entertaining Church filled with Creative minds.

Secondly, to be a 21st Century God-class blockchain ministry employing cutting-edge technologies and techniques in proclaiming the gospel our Lord Jesus Christ by the Sole inspiration of The Holyspirit.


Mission Statement

The following are the mission statement of the Steemchurch and they are to;

  • Inspire Authors on the blockchain
  • raise effective and efficient Christians leaders and disciples of Christ who are sound in spirit, soul, and body as well as excelling in their chosen fields ranging from professions, academics, politics, business, ministry, sports, entertainment, tourism, Arts, culture by deliberate training.
  • create a loving community for steemians
  • comment and destroy the evils of socialism, central banking, crony capitalism, big government, censorship, political correctness and virtue signaling.
  • create a support network for Christians and families


Objectives Of The Steemchurch

  • To free the world from every manner of lack and setback, yoke and slavery [Galatians 5 vs 1, John 8:32-36, Isaiah 9 vs 4].
  • To identify and retain members of the steemchurch right here on blockchain [John 17 vs 12, Hebrew 10 vs 24 & 25]
  • To free men from condemnation [Romans 8:1-3]
  • To serve as a grooming ground for the future leadership of the mission in particular and the church in general. [2 Timothy 2:2, I Timothy 4:12-16]
  • To reward quality authors on the blockchain network who are knowleageable about the creations of Christ [Ephesians 6 vs 8]
  • To generate friendship and fellowship amongst members of the Steemchurch and members of other christian bodies on the blockchain network [1Peter 2:17b, Acts 2:44-47]
  • To encourage optimum co-operation in academic and social experience on the blockchain network [2 Thesselonians 3:13, Galatians 6 vs 10]
  • To make steemians and the world to understand tha the spirit of God secures and brings liberty [2 Corinthians 3 vs 17]
  • To encourage alliances of members in the pursuit of prospects and social experiences on the network as well as in ministry, family, profession, business, politics etc . [Acts 18 vs 3].
  • To bring to the knowledge of steemians and the world that God's spirit is upon them to set them free from poverty [Luke 4 vs 18, John 8:32, Isaiah 42 vs 7, Romans 8 vs 21].
  • To sustain our common faith in Christ on blockchain [Ephesians 5:29, Hebrew 3:12&13].

Goals Of The Steemchurch

The following are the goals of the steemchurch;

  • To be integral in the future of the blockchain by providing spiritual and moral guidance in this brave new world.
  • reawaken the World to Christianity
  • Creating partnership throughout all of blockchain network for family , ministry, business, profession, social media and politics in order to effect changes in the society.
  • Strengthening the confession/profession our faith in Christ through fellowship.
  • attainment and pursuit of excellence through lawful cooperation.

Help Build Steemchurch

Steemchurch is the fastest growing community right here on steemit currently.
However, we must all contribute our quota to it's growth and success.
You can help build steemchurch by giving generously to church's campaign for freedom and Liberty by sending donations to @Steemchurch.


Thanks for reading.
To make this post, I sourced for relevant thought's from excellent publications made by the Knight himself @Sirknight and Other Apostles
See Some below;


Brother Owolabi - you have truly outdone yourself my friend. Superb wordsmanship! Using your work I will finalise the mission, vision, values and objectives of the Church soon.

You my friend have done the Church a wonderful service - one that shall not be forgotten.


Thank you so much, @SirKnight, for the support all through
Your ideas played a very vital role in making this work possible
I appreciate the time sir

what a fabulous breakdown about the steemchurch "first of its kind", thanks for everything @owoblow-steemit indeed you've done a great job.

Thanks @hboi for the encouragement and support
lets make steemchurch the pride of blockchain

You should get a pass for this mate, there are lot of significant changes. Thanks for the hardwork brother

I appreciate brother Tikhub
Thanks for the support all through

What the steemchurch is about on the blockchain is really robust. I support completely.

Thanks @yaanivapeji
I sincerely appreciate your passion to contribute to the growth of the church sir
May God richly bless you

I so much believe the growth of the steemchurch ,and also the importance of cyrptocurrency in the growth of the Economy .
Thanks to sirknight who has brought such a great idea of the steemchurch
STEEMCHURCH-still small but inviting

Another very impressive insight
This goes to show that you understand what the steemchurch is about
Thanks for dropping by

Tho the @steemchurch is the first ever and the fastest growing church of the blockchain. We should all put our best foot forward to contribute to its rapid growth and success!. I stand in agreement with @owoblow-steemit. Upvoted!

awesome post brother, more growth to the church, keep the good work going

Thanks Mate for the encouragement

@owoblow-steemit i thank you for the way you humbly stated all that is required to push this church to a higher ground and to preach the freedom to the ears of the deaf and the eyes of the blind more especially to the minds of the dead together i believe that this community will attain a greater hieght thanks to @sirknight for giving us this great gift

This is very well said bro. I wish to be part of this growth

You are welcome sir @xinese

We will continue supporting the work of @steemchurch, from the beginning trust and I will continue to do with my daily contribution for the community to strengthen!

Thanks @jennifer.jimenez
Hope I spelt that correctly?.....Smiling

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