in #steemchurch5 years ago (edited)

The Journey of Christ was after a particular end. This Journey was progressive not by any other way but by Just looking at the originator of that Journey. The Originator of the Journey is also the Compass of the Journey!!! The Beginning is also the End, The Beginning leads to the End but there are Pathway before getting to the End. These Pathway are called the steps or the process that arrive to the end.

The Cross(Physical) is what shows the perfect result of the Steps or process that has been undergone for a particular hope.


I am very sure many of us would be looking at the topic and will say what does He mean by Enduring the Cross. The Cross is not just a a tree but an evidence of the progression of Dealing the Father is doing in Jesus as a Living Soul to achieve man can arising from the boundary Man is pegged.

That why when you are saying you are celebrating the Cross, you are not Just Celebrating the Death and Resurrection but also the entire Curriculum/Process that made that come into existence at the Perfect state. The last process to come into that which has been stated of Him before His existence upon the Earth in Him before His incarnation

Hebrews 12:2 (KJV) Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Now, let's look at the progression of How Christ started even from the beginning. At the beginning, was a Foundation that we all came from Him, Our coming from Him shows that we have no other thing than to do that which He that brought us to existence has in possession.

What was the First thing is, How to Look on the Father!!

How did He, He began by looking the Father through the law.

Looking the Law and prophecies given by Moses and the Prophet.

But He was looking at it by the Holy Spirit, whom he was filled of beyond measure. And He began to see and receive wisdom that few Men only saw and walked in... He began this walk to the extent that when He got to a point He was held back with Love to learns and know by fellowshipping with the Teachers of the Law and scribe at the age 12....

And if you look at it very careful, there was this wisdom they saw in Him, that was professing the righteousness of God encoded in the Law that no man except few understood even the Pharisee do not know neither the Sadducee. So, He was so keen Looking at the Father....... And He Looked by the Holy Ghost.

Though it is written to man but He saw it as the life person speaking to Him and guiding Him in His living. In the progression of looking unto the Father,He began to know how the Father live and what made who He is and the provision He made available.

PS: The blessing of the Lord are First Spiritual before you see the evidence in the Physical

He is so dependent on the Father, that all He is doing is just as the Father is In His looking unto Him, He is receiving the blessing of the Father and using to function across His Physical...

So! Again, He looked upon the Father. Look unto the Father (Be dependent, Learn His way). Look always into Christ, This is the provision for the Journey.

In Conclusion
Today, in understanding Enduring the Cross, what we are to understand is: Looking unto The Word/Father/Holy ghost(God).
This is the Provision for the Jouney,thanks


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