in #steemchurch6 years ago


When we become born again ,the first work of the Holy Spirit is our lives.There is power for holy living and service which the spirit grant us for been born again.

As believers it is our responsibility to understand how the Holy Spirit helps us each day and how we should live our lives.

To Bring Us To Salvation

He brings Conviction
An important aspect of the Holy spirit work is to convict ,reprove and convince unconverted people about sin ,righteousness and judgement. John 16 :8-11

Without the spirits work of conviction ,we would remain ignorant of our sinful and lost condition.
He makes us aware of the sinfulness of sin ,of how far short we come of Gods standard of righteousness, and of the awful judgement which awaits every sinner.

He Produces Conversion And Regeneration
Regeneration means spiritual rebirth,spiritual renovation and restoration.

An amazing quote from Titus 3 :5 clarify this "....he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit"

He Liberates Us From The Power Of Sin And Death ,So We can Be Holy
The Holy Spirit help us by leading us away from the power of sin and death.Sin has it own power that enslave leading to the power of death but the power of the Holy Spirit always overcome them if we accept our Lord Jesus Christ.(Roman 8 :2)

He Gives Us An Inward Assurance Of Salvation.
The spirit always bears witness with our spirit ,that we are children of God.The Holy Spirit always gives is that proving assurance that indeed we are saved.The daily guidance and communication which exist between the Holy Spirit and the believer clears this assurances.
"....And it is the spirit that beareth witness,because the spirit is truth."


To Give Us Power For Holy Living

He Guides Us Into Truth
Since the Holy Spirit is truth, He always guide us into knowing the truth, understanding the truth ,and leading us into the truth.The believer is lead to the truth by the Holy Spirit as each day there is a hamony between them.

The Holy Spirit Teaches Us All Things
There are teachers but the greatest among all is the Holy spirit ,He teachers all things.He always teach by uncovering the covered part of our understanding.


He Gives Life To Our Physical Bodies
Romans 8 :11 says ".......he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also give life to your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwells in you"
The word mortal means bound to die and this refers to our physical bodies.The spirit impart life.Therefore the promise of this scripture is this : When the spirit dwells within us.He will impart life, strength, health ,and vigor to our bodies.
Living in the spirit is a health-promoting exercise.It will increase our physical strength and our life-span.

He Gives Us Power For Service
In Acts 1:8 the scriptures talks about Power.Jesus used the the Greek word dunamis which means power,from which we drive the Word dynamo.A dynamo is a machine that generate power consistent and continuing.
Thus the power of the Spirit within us generates power to enable us to be witnesses for Christ.Not only are we enable to bear witness of Jesus ,we actually become witnesses unto Him

Thank you for visiting and reading.God bliss you

This is odsam2 from #steemchurch #sc-g and #ghana.



Truly said "There are teachers but the greatest among all is the Holy spirit ,He teachers all things.He always teach by uncovering the covered part of our understanding."
The Holy spirit teaches us all things ,let all avail ourselves so that we are taught by Him..Thanks @odsam2

Upvoted &resteemed


Wow,this is true and very lovely message @odsam,the holy Spirit is our helper,our comforter,our enforcer,without him the believer can't function effectively,Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.Acts 2:3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Hello @odsam2

Thank you really for this post.. This has been my major concern of study in recent times.

Unfortunately, the most important person we need in our christian journey, we have left behind and that is why we have so much failures in our lives.

When we truly come to understand the person of the Holy Spirit and His workings, we'll rise above all of our limitations.

Thanks again my brother for this great exposition on the person of the Holy Spirit.


Thank you too for reading and stay bliss brother

This is a wonderful message. When we become born again ,the first work of the Holy Spirit is our lives.There is power for holy living and service which the spirit grant us for been born again. As believers it is our responsibility to understand how the Holy Spirit helps us each day and how we should live our lives. Since the Holy Spirit is truth, He always guide us into knowing the truth, understanding the truth ,and leading us into the truth.The believer is lead to the truth by the Holy Spirit as each day there is a hamony between them. The spirit always bears witness with our spirit ,that we are children of God.The Holy Spirit always gives is that proving assurance that indeed we are saved.The daily guidance and communication which exist between the Holy Spirit and the believer clears this assurances. And it is the spirit that beareth witness,because the spirit is truth. Thanks for sharing

Well said @odsam2. Without the Holy Spirit in our lives, we would be functionless as a Christian.

Please do well to read and upvote my post on Spiritual suicide here

Well said @odsam2. Without the Holy Spirit in our lives, we would be functionless as a Christian.

The Holy Spirit came to use us to do great thing. All that u have said testifies of it.

thanks for sharing, walking in the Spirit always help us not to fulfill the desires of the flesh

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