Does God Prohibit Selling in Church?

in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)
“And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,”
When Jesus Christ saw the activities that was carried out in his fathers house, he was very angry. Because the temple is not a place to buy or sell. On my own opinion I don’t think any transactions should be carried out there.

Now you can see how the house of God was turned into a market place where traders would have to sell and make gain because of their selfish interest to make money. This is an evil act which I think the love of money has led so many into today.

1Timothy 6:10

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

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I actually took my time to study on this and I find out something that Jesus actually became angry because the sales of cattle, sheep and doves, and the others exchanging money even at high rates, this was a problem in the church that was why Jesus called them thieves because what they did was actually amounted to stealing. Therefore making the church no longer a sacred place for the worshippers. Now the worshippers were not comfortable and were obscured by the activities that was going on during the time they have to go in and out to pay their tithes and offering.

We see some churches today that carry out the sales of books, CD’s DVD,s and other items. On my own opinion, I believe that anything that is made available in the church premises should be given freely but not for sale. If the members decides to voluntarily pay, that’s fine.

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And also, if a church decides to sell any books or DVD’s Or CD’s, it should not amount to high pressure on the members, in other words it should not be compulsory. It should be ensured that the selling should not be given undue attention and does not draw away worship and the teaching of God's Word.



God does prohibit selling in church what he prohibit is our sinful nature because our body is the temple of God .therefore we should avoid sin

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The church of God is a place where Christian learn about God through the Bible not a market place for buying and selling. So I believe God prohibits buying and selling in church.

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