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All leaders would leave a mark for the upcoming generation someday. What would be your own legacy??

A leader’s legacy is the footprint he leaves behind for others to follow……would your impact be felt???

Good and proper leadership is an important and cogent factor for success in life, business, church, and ministry. I've questioned a few leaders I gotten know and respect to write about several important sections of leadership so I could share with you and we could grow together as leaders and learn from their successes as well as their struggles.

Death is not the final journey of our life, is it? A key understanding of faith a believer needs to know is that life lasts forever.

After death, we leave a lot of things (properties) behind. We leave behind the possessions we acquire here. We leave behind all unsettled and unfinished business. We leave behind our memories—the painful ones and the pleasant memories. The word for all we leave behind could be called our legacy/mark.

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The truth is, if as leaders, we don’t understand the principle of the legacy we leave behind, we might end up leaving quite a mess for others to clean up after us.
Leaving a healthy legacy may be one of the most important things a leader can do
The only way I know is best to end as a leader is to keep the end in mind as we journey through the seasons of leading. Here are a few questions, which may help better shape your legacy:

• What legacy do I want to leave as a leader? What ways do I want to be remembered?
• What do I place as the highest value, and would the people I lead agree?
• What in our church right now would I not want to inherit as a new leader?
• What foundations do I need to lay as a leader in order for us to grow in the years to come?

All leaders would love to leave a good mark someday and we’d like for it to be greatly remembered. We need to be highly conscious of the fact that what we do and say as leaders matter beyond today and would affect and change a lot. So let your answers to the questions above help determine the decisions you make and shape the legacy/mark you leave.

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A close look at the lives of people in the bible such as David, Moses, Joseph, etc. are examples of leaders.
To better understand the roles played by a leader and the concept of what it means to be a leader, take a close look at the work of @sirknight. I say without doubt that his work to the steemchurch community would be a lasting legacy.

Here's what the bible has to say about leaders in Titus 1:7-14 ESV

For an overseer, as God's steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it. For there are many who are insubordinate, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision party. They must be silenced, since they are upsetting whole families by teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach. ...

here, we see clearly that a leader has a lot of responsibilities and these are just the few mentioned. and to those following others (leaders), the word of GOD has this to say

Hebrews 13:7 ESV

"Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith."

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so in all we do as leaders, we should strive to leave a lasting mark that'll be seen and felt by generations to come........also pray that GOD be with us throughout our walk as leaders because only with HIM can we lead well.


Good post msytiqueblinkx - this Knight hopes that he is building a strong legacy here on the Steem Blockchain.

This Knight hears that you may have been involved in the legendary 'SteemChurch white-hat Apostle hack.'

It is important that SteemChurch Apostles and Parishioners secure their accounts thoroughly - thankyou for pointing out our security weaknesses.

If you were to provide a post for the benefit of Parishioners and Apostles on how to best secure our accounts, I am sure you would be well rewarded.

Be sure to tag Brother Abiye in your post - he obviously has the most learning to do. ; )

I am... SirKnight!

FYI - @tikhub @abiye

Thank you @sirknight for the insight you dropped. A leader needs to be security conscious much more than anyone else. Adam was not and Eden was hacked by the serpent.

First of all sir, i want to say a big thank you for not misinterpreting my intent as to this hack. I happen to be a learning & growing programmer, so all i did was an attempt to exploit vulunrabilities in the system. And this is what ethical hackers do. I duly would tender an apology to @abiye and the steemchurch community. I would like to state that i had no intension to keep the money as I made due efforts to contact him first. Once again sir, thank you.

I hope to see you make more lasting marks as your legacy would be legendary

God bless the KNIGHT.

Do not appreciate your pictures and writing, you have made that post, please take me too much, I'm very happy to see your post,,,,& great post..dear @msytiqueblinkx....thanks for share..
,God bless #Steemchurch!

Beautiful piece @mystiqueblinkx.

Horatius Bona, Ira D. Sankey and Arr. Quigg & McCalman wrote Only Rememberednow widely used in remembrance to those who fell in the Great War.'

Fading away like the stars in the morning,
Losing their light in the glorious sun.
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done.

Only remembered, only remembered,
Only remembered for what we have done.
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done.

Only the truth that in life we have spoken,
Only the seed that in life we have sown.
These shall pass onwards when we are forgotten,
Only remembered for what we have done.

Who’ll sing the anthem and who’ll tell the story?
Will the line hold, will it scatter and run?
Shall we at last be united in glory?
Only remembered for what we have done.

We'll only be remembered by our legacy

Nice one on Leader's Legacy and followership, it truly demands lots of responsibilities, obligations and commitments as well as their imminent rewards and after influence on humanity, nice one @msytiqueblinkx.

God will help us all to be good leaders especially that we may practise what we preach.

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