Steemchurch: Near the cross but away from Christ.

in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

Greetings and Blessings brothers of @steemchurch..

There were some dice players who were at the foot of the cross. Imagine this scene. The soldiers are sitting in a circle, eyes looking down.

The criminal up there on them is forgotten. They play for some used dresses, the tunic, the cloak, the sandals, all that is to appropriate.

Each soldier throws his luck on the hard earth, hoping to increase his wardrobe at the expense of a dead carpenter on the cross.


I have wondered who could have seen that scene with Jesus. What did he think as he looked down at his bloody feet in the circle of the players? What emotions did you feel? He must have been, surprised.

Here are those common soldiers, contemplating the most extraordinary event in the world and they do not know it. As far as they know, this is another Friday morning, and He is nothing less than another criminal. "Go, hurry up; it's my turn!"

"Very good very good. This shot goes through the sandals."

Throwing lots for the possessions of Christ. The inclined heads. The eyes down. The forgotten cross

The symbolism is shocking. Do you see it?

This makes me think of us. The religious. Those who claim the inheritance of the cross. I'm thinking of all of us. All the believers on earth. Those who do not care. The lost. The strict ones.

The simple ones The biggest church The smallest church. The "full of the spirit." Millennialists Evangelicals Politicians. Mystics Literal Cynics Mantles Necklaces Costumes of three pieces. Born again. Users of amenes. I'm thinking of us.

Maybe we are not so different from those soldiers. We also play dice at the foot of the cross. We compete for members. We play for the status. We conduct trials and convictions. Competition. Selfishness. Personal gain Everything is there. We do not like what the other did, so we took the sandal we won and we walked away in a jiffy.


Romans 12:16
Have the same feeling with each other; Do not be proud in your thinking, but condescending with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.

So close to the wood, however, so far from blood.

We are very close to the biggest event in the world, but we act like common gambling players. Piled up in groups that quarrel and fight for unimportant millions.

How many pulpit hours have been wasted preaching the trivial? How many churches have fallen in the agony of the insignificant and the tiny? How many leaders have not been able to control their anger and have drawn their swords of bitterness and have launched themselves in battle against the brothers for an issue that is not worth discussing?


So close to the cross but so far from Christ.

We specialize in "I am good" competitions. We write books about what others do wrong. We are specialists in finding gossip and we become experts in discovering weaknesses. We split it in small piles and then, God forbid, we split it again.

Another name, another doctrine, another "error". Another denomination. Another game of poker. Our Lord must be surprised.

"Those selfish soldiers, we smiled sarcastically with our thumbs on the lapel. "They were so close to the cross and yet so far from Christ. And are we different? Our divisions are so numerous that we can not be cataloged. There are so many branches that even they have other branches!


And now ... really.

Are our differences that divider? Are our opinions that obstruction? Are our walls that wide? Is it impossible to find a common cause?

"May they be one, prayed Jesus." One. Not one in groups of two thousand. But one in one. A church. A faith A Sir. Only Christians. No denominations. No traditions Only Christ.

Acts 4:32
The congregation of those who believed was of one heart and one soul; and none claimed to own what he possessed, but that all things were common property.

Too idealistic? Impossible to reach it? I do not think so. More difficult things have been done. For example, once, on a tree, a Creator gave his life for his creation. Maybe all we need are a few hearts that want to follow the supplication.

Can we build a bridge? Tender a rope? Cross an abyss? Pray for unity? Can you be the soldier who hits his temples, jumps on his feet, and reminds us of the rest of us: "Hey! That is God on the cross! "The similarity between the game of the soldier and our game is something that scares. What did Jesus think? What do you think now? There is still a player continuing his game, and he is at the foot of the cross.


So close to the cross but so far from Christ.

We specialize in "I am good" competitions. We write books about what others do wrong. We are specialists in finding gossip and we become experts in discovering weaknesses. We split it in small piles and then, God forbid, we split it again.

"Those selfish soldiers, we smiled sarcastically with our thumbs on the lapel. "They were so close to the cross and yet so far from Christ. And are we different? Our divisions are so numerous that we can not be cataloged. There are so many branches that even they have other branches!

We live "so close to the cross, but so far from Christ".
It is much more important that each day we approach our creator and spend quality time with him. Let us go before his presence and recognize the need we have to be by his side.


If you only have a cross, you look like Pilate. If you are only brought to Christ by a cross hung around your neck, if you only come to the church to celebrate special occasions, then you do not have much to envy to the soldiers who play under the cross at the time of the crucifixion. You are near the cross and far from Christ. But when you accept Jesus, life changes you. When you have Christ, you are like the criminal who died with Him, you stop being a loser and find your courage and dignity for the first time.

You have been given with all you need to serve God but you still don't accept christ and do his will, definitely eternal destruction awaits you if you remain adamant to the goodnews,Too vivid? Impossible to reach it? I do not think so. More difficult things have been done. For example, once, on a tree, a Creator gave his life for his creation.You are near the cross and far from Christ. But when you accept Jesus, life changes it transforms your spirit,soul and body When you have Christ, you are like the criminal who died with Him, you stop being a loser now you are saved and find your courage and dignity absolutely.


"Too idealistic? Impossible to reach it? I do not think so. More difficult things have been done. For example, once, on a tree, a Creator gave his life for his creation. Maybe all we need are a few hearts that want to follow the supplication."I totally agree.

He the Lord has provided for you all the platform's you need to survive and worship him in truth and in spirit.
Some who call themselves Christians are no more interested in the work of God rather they are only interested in showing the riches and the wealth they have acquired to others.
You have been provided with all you need to serve God but you still don't believe christ and do his will, defoniatelly entetnal destruction awaits you.

Let's not only be close to the cross, but to Christ.
Thanks for sharing

Powerful message. God help us all. Hypocrisy is a disease that has eaten deep into alot of people. It's only God that an deliver us.

I agree partially, but I would like you to consider Acts 15. There was a disagreement over whether uncircumcised believers could be saved.

The apostles and elders, your brothers,
To the Gentile believers in Antioch, Syria and Cilicia:
We have heard that some went out from us without our authorization and disturbed you, troubling your minds by what they said

Some believers started teaching something without authorization, something wrong. What did the Church do about it? The apostles gathered and decided that circumcision was no longer needed for salvation, then sent a letter to Antioch to tell them the decision. If there is authorization, there must be authority. The apostles replaced Judas with Matthias after Judas committed suicide, so the authority could be passed on. Do you think this was the final replacement? Did this only happen once? Where do we go today when there is a disagreement? Obviously the denominations would not agree, as you mentioned. We should not attack each other, but we also need to follow the biblical model. There is religious truth. We cannot ignore it or pretend to have false unity. The seventh day Adventists do not eat pork, the Baptists do. One is right, and one is wrong. Without authority, how can we have unity?