
When you find yourself anguished, worried, burdened, your spirit can not be free, when we are in this situation we are not available to God. Our Spirit is free when we are free.

1 Peter 5: 7
throwing all your anxiety on him, because he takes care of you.

Leave God your worries and your problems because he takes care of you and loves you. When we are anguished we are not sensitive to the Spirit of God, we need a free Spirit to pray and be able to hear from God, it is impossible to listen to God when we are in anguish. God created us with a Spirit, Soul and Body, so if a Spirit is not free we can not act according to the Word of God. You listen to the Word without being able to do anything about it, the anguish has the consequence of keeping our minds occupied so as not to be available to God.

The Spirit of God will manifest in your life freely as you remain reverent and obedient, when you honor His Word the Holy Spirit increases in your life. You need a free spirit to arrange yourself with God, therefore leave everything to God and do not worry.

When you want to open your bible is the perfect time to throw all your anxiety and anguish to God, that is to leave everything, what is bothering you, worrying and disturbing. When you do not do this, even if you read the Bible you will not be able to obey.


The bible itself does not work, you make it work, ask God for a Spirit free of worries, meditate reveals the burden of our spirit, we have the bracelet of faith, when we meditate, you fix your gaze on Christ and so we can pray , you find joy naturally as it comes spontaneously. Joy is not created by man, it originates in God, when you meditate the burden goes away, you feel joy, it is time to pray, meditation is a visit with God.

That is why he said, "I pray that your faith will not fail," means that there will be times when our faith will be revised, something will always prove your faith when you are alive, and this helps our relationship with God to be strengthened. This is the moment that you will see the need of God more and more, and strengthen our desire for God.

God is aware of your problem, you will go through them and you will come out in victory, when you are in God, they do not harm you but they improve you, there can be no promotion without proof, what is your proof? What you are going through When it is time to go up a new level it is time to be tested.

The apostles were tested, each of them lived their own challenges, they paid the supreme price to bring us today the gospel of peace which you and I enjoy today, tell me, what price are you paying today?

minha firma.png


beautiful word sister @michellechristie the key to our freedom is in Christ, we should only give all our burdens to Him.
God my own ,
I praise your greatness
because you saved me from danger,
because you did not let my enemies
they will make fun of me
2 My Lord and God,
I asked you for help, and you healed me;
3 You saved me from death!
I was about to die
And you delivered me from the grave!
4 You, those who love God,
praise him and sing him hymns.

Thank you brother for your comment and take your time reading my publication. That psalm is great and beautiful

Do freedom really exist ?
Even the life after death is not freedom cause no one knows his / her fates

I firmly believe in the word of God, in the Holy Bible, in my particular case, when I meditate on the word of God I can experience this kind of freedom, maybe we are in a world full of negative influences, but I learned that in the middle of the storm we can be calm I can tell you that if it is possible to achieve freedom, if the word exists and was created, it is because it works. And have you experienced freedom in the midst of worries?

I believe in God and World of God.
Dont get me wrong but do you know hiw many times you commit sin a day

1 John 1:10
If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us.

Which country are you

hello michellechristie. Interesting publication, the anguish attacks our life and sometimes overwhelms us so much that we block ourselves in our communication with God and we do not give way to the Spirit of God who is our counselor and guide. We must take the shield of the Faith and the word of God in us, to obtain that freedom.
God will continue to bless you

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