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RE: SteemChurch: If we can't see or hear God, how do we know he exists?

People say I will believe it when we see it. The Bible teaches us we must believe first then we see. Every single person at one time had the ability to believe, because God gives each one the measure of faith and He sets eternity in our hearts. I asked a room of people p, perhaps 100 or so, this question. How many people believe God raised Jesus from the dead. Nobody hesitated, every hand went up. Everyone in the room believed Jesus was raised from the dead. This is amazing! Nobody saw it, but everyone believed it. Because this is required for us to be saved. We have to believe God raised Jesus from the dead and confess Him as Lord. Romans 10:9. The free gift of grace to be saved.
The Bible say the fool says in his heart there is no God. Literally it mean a fool says there is no God for me. That God thing is good for you, but not for me.
They decided one day not to believe!
One thing that is amazing you were speaking of the make up of atoms. There is something invisible holding everything together and scientists cannot find it, see it or measure it, but they know it has to be there. The atheist scientist named this thing “The God Particle”
We know what or Who holds this stuff together by the scriptures.
Heb 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power.

God bless!
Daddy William

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