Healing Series Part 3 Confirming His Word

Mar 16:20 And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

Here is where the religious will step in with their objections. But much of what is preached in many churches all over the world, does not qualify for God to “Confirm His Word”.

Many will say that it is the confirmation of the Word in the heart of the hearer and I am in agreement with this in part.

“With Signs Following”

God won’t. Confirm what is not His intended use of His Word.
If what we hear or what we preach is just man’s doctrines or worse the doctrines of demons, God will not follow such a preached word, with signs following.


God heals and sends signed and wonders after the preached Word (Confirming His Word)

Whenever God’s intended Word is preached, signs will follow. When the Gospel is preached, the Gospel happens! As much as the days of the early church, we should see the Hand of God in our services.

When preachers come out of the Holy presence of God and deliver a message that pleases only One, then God confirms His Word! He loves to comfirm His Word.

Time to get away from denominational beleifs and get back to the Bible.
Time to quit making excuses for our lack of the manifest presence of God and get on our knees until we have it.
Time to preach to please God and not crowd.
Time to quit the seeker friendly services for those that are Holy Spirit friendly.

After I preach, it does not make me happy when someone comes to me and says, “Great message!” I look for God to be pleased with the message and the messenger, by confirming His Word.

As believers we have a responsibility to know God’s Word for ourselves.
Then we have the responsibility to reject any teaching or belief that is not taught in God’s Word or practiced by the early church.

Preach God’s Word and signs will follow!

I have witnessed this over and over. Experience never dictates Truth. But when experience matches the Bible, then we have a true, God intended experience as God’s Will is done on earth as it is in heaven.
This is a series on Healing. My hope is, if you need healing in your body. You will actively believe on the Will of the Great Physician to make you completely whole.


Part 1

God bless!
Daddy William

All proceeds from this account will be used to benefit the people of the Philippines and Eastern Asian Countries


Gorgoeus light so beautiful

Thank you my friend!

Most welcome

well i wont say great message then. i'll just say amen!

Funny guy! Amen! I don’t mind the mention, but my point is I put a higher value on what God says about the message.
Hope you have a great day!

ta thanks same to you

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