in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Psalm 37:29
The righteous will inherit the earth,
And they will live forever on it.

What does God want for human beings?

Genesis 1:28
And God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the beasts that move on the earth.


Isaiah 55:11
so shall my word be that goes out of my mouth; It will not return to me empty, but it will do what I want, and it will be prospered in that for which I sent it.

GOD created the first human couple with a wonderful purpose. I wanted Adam and Eve to live in a beautiful garden, have children, make the whole Earth a paradise and take care of the animals. And its purpose has not changed. That is what God wants for humanity


8 And the LORD God planted a garden toward the east, in Eden; and put there the man he had formed. 9 And the LORD God caused every tree that was pleasing to the eye and good to eat to spring from the earth; likewise, in the middle of the garden, the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 10 And from Eden came a river to water the garden, and from there it divided and became four other rivers. 11 The name of the first is Piso; This is the one that surrounds the whole land of Havila, where there is gold. 12 The gold of that land is good; There are bdellium and onyx there. 13 And the name of the second river is Gihon; This is the one that surrounds the land of Cush. 14 And the name of the third river is Tigris; This is the one that runs east of Assyria. And the fourth river is the Euphrates. 15 Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden, to cultivate it and take care of it.

In this land in which we live, we can still contemplate beauty. Even though the fall of man has brought a curse to the earth - the fact of those thorns and thistles it produces - there is still beauty in the world. Surely we all remember having been in wonderful places, where the exuberance of the vegetation that grows freely in huge variety of fruits is combined with huge waterfalls that descend to form large rivers, while birds and wild animals roam freely. Normally, these are places to which the hand of men driven by greed has not yet arrived, rather than by the impulse of progress. Imagine, for a moment, what the Garden of Eden will have been like.


It was not God's original intention for man to die. He had created him in his image and likeness. But here we see that the man was put to the test. He had a free will and this, like all privileges, always creates a responsibility. This is an axiomatic statement, which is always true. That human being who had been endowed with a free will, had to go through a test to determine if he would obey God, or not.
Some teachers of the Bible have suggested that the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil was poisonous. On the contrary, I believe that it was the best fruit of the garden.
And God warned: "In the day that you eat from it, you will surely die." Remember that man is a trinity and that he would have to die in a triple way. Adam did not physically die until he reached an age of more than 900 years, after this incident. But God had told him, "The day you eat, you will surely die." Death means separation and Adam was separated from God spiritually from that moment when he ate that fruit.


And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden you may eat, but you shall not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die."

God had a purpose in placing man alone in that garden, for a period of time. It was to show him that he had a need, that he needed someone to be with him. Here he defines her as "a suitable helper". This was necessary to carry out the purpose of God who, as we have seen in chapter 1:28, wanted man and woman to be fruitful, to multiply and submit to the earth. This explains the phrase in verse 18, which says, "It is not good for a man to be alone." And then he says that he will provide "a suitable help". That is, someone with whom to dialogue and agree, with whom to have affinity, someone who complements him, that is, his other party. It is as if a man were an incomplete part, until he joins in marriage with a woman. This is an important consideration to keep in mind and it is God's purpose for man and woman.


the relationship and affinity of man with God, adoration for him, his communion with the Creator, his service and loyalty to him, the authority of man granted by God and social life in the presence of God. This is, then, the great purpose


Have you risen up without wanting to live?
Place your hand over your heart.
Do you feel that? It's called PURPOSE.
You are alive for a reason, because you must live and feel every moment, before the emotion of perceiving the wonder of the creation that surrounds us.



There are two ways of knowing the will of God: The first is reading the Bible, here is a good part of God's will for our life, what God wants to do, establish, how he wants him to live and what he wants him to experience. But it is not all, because here it does not appear what God's will is with his work, the woman with whom God wants him to marry does not appear, nor the name of the person with whom he is going to make a business. However, God has a will about that. What defines God's will for my life? Number one, what his Word says. And number two, is what is known as God's purpose for my life. I mention some names: Abraham, Moses, Jesus, all had purpose in his life. The purpose that Jesus was to fulfill on earth is the same for us? No. Jesus' was to save humanity. Does that purpose of going to the cross, of giving your life, of sacrificing yourself, of being crucified, is the same purpose for me? Do you have to treat me in the same way as Jesus? No, that was God's specific purpose for his Son.

God made a garden for man, established it, gave it a possession. He put it there to be worked and stored.

And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden you may eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat; for in the day that you eat of it, you will surely die.

God created the garden, and said: "I am going to put man in him, my will is that he dress it, that makes it fruitful". And Adam had to know that purpose, because imagine that one day dawns and says: "Why did I come? What am I doing here? I would be living to live. However, God let him know what God's plan was for him. In general terms, God has the same plan for you, so that you may be fruitful, but you are in Guatemala, not in Eden. God made him understand what his will is and expected him to act and walk based on that. God gave man a will. I said to God: "If you knew that man should not take from that tree of good and evil, why did you put him in the garden?" Let's imagine that this is the garden and God tells me: "I'm going to show you this tree, we can not eat from this tree". I thought: "Then, why are you putting it here? Better remove it. But God put it because he did not make me a robot, he did not limit me, he gave me the will to choose between the good and the bad, and that will continues to work for all the men of the earth. He said: "You can take less than this from everything." This means that God gave me the freedom to do everything I want, but I can not do everything, because God gave us parameters and within them, there was this tree.


To be a sicera it took me many years to understand that God has a purpose in my life, only the love of God made me understand this ... I am sure that this teaching will be edification for all!

Very true, no one is created for no good reason.
We were all created for one reason or the other.
So it is better we start to know and realize the reason why we were created.
From the beginning of the creation of man, we were all created to bear God's image, to fulfill his purpose and to know his fullness.
God created us for us to worship and praise him for who he is.

Without purpose the will be no world. God created man to worship him and within that he also asign each one to a special purpose. Thanks for blessing the community.

Sin became the inevitability of man to die, as a results of his sinful nature, he lost the glory that was meant to be keep him alive.
God's purposes for his creation was to make man his most loved creation, he gave him dominion and also gave him power over all the creature, but man's sin blotted him away

In the beginning God made you and gave you and gave you purpose to serve him.

Serve him in truth and in spirit and keep his word intact never lie to him because he knows everything and all you feel he doesn't see .
Obedience is very important in our live if we really need to gain from God but first of al we need to appreciate him always .
The victorious are always free to do all the things through christ who made everything.
Be always faithful through christ for he will always provide for us when we appreciate his gift.
has always be merciful in In our lives and h has always Ben ready to accept us when we have sinned.
God does not have mercy on those who are wicked hearted and those who don't care about others and do not have pity on thisewho have sinned against them.
When you accept christ and you are doing his will you life comes with courage and agility .
You never mind what people who don't. Want you are saying at you back put your heart and trust in him and believe you can do it all

the relationship and affinity of man with God, adoration for him, his communion with the Creator, his service and loyalty to him, the authority of man granted by God and social life in the presence of God. This is, then, the great purpose

God had a purpose in placing man alone in that garden, for a period of time. It was to show him that he had a need, that he needed someone to be with him. Here he defines her as "a suitable helper". This was necessary to carry out the purpose of God who, as we have seen in chapter 1:28, wanted man and woman to be fruitful, to multiply and submit to the earth. This explains the phrase in verse 18, which says, "It is not good for a man to be alone." And then he says that he will provide "a suitable help". That is, someone with whom to dialogue and agree, with whom to have affinity, someone who complements him, that is, his other party. It is as if a man were an incomplete part, until he joins in marriage with a woman. This is an important consideration to keep in mind and it is God's purpose for man and woman.

We are all born with a divine purpose, his word says that he prepared us in advance for every good work, there is an individual purpose for each one of us as there is also a purpose for the church which is our sanctification.

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