From that time Jesus began to preach and say, "Repent for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand (Matthew 4: 17)


How I wish all of us would understand this simple message of the Bible. That Jesus Christ was born into this world not to give us a church but to introduce us to the coming Kingdom of God, and that the Church's job is to prepare a people to be part of this kingdom.
Jesus first sermon was for people to repent and be ready for the Kingdom of God. He even taught His followers to pray for this kingdom to come (Matthew 6: 9 -10) and every day thousands upon thousands pray this prayer without knowing it or even make a preparation to enter that kingdom. What is the use or profit there of, if you ignorantly pray for it to come without entering it yourself?
On His trial before Governor Pilato, the case against Him was His kinship. Jesus said, His kingdom is not from this world (John 18: 36 -37). He let Pilate know that He is a king, and His kingdom is coming soon. But first He must sit at the right hand of power before coming in the clouds of heavens to rule the earth ( Matth 26: 64). And now Jesus is sitting on God's right hand till those who are opposing His power and rule and laws and death would be brought down under His feet.


Meanwhile, He is working through His appointed servants and the true church of God to prepare people to share this kingdom (Titus 2: 11 -14). This is the prophetic message given to the prophets of Israel, that David's Son is coming to rule on David's throne. The governance of this world will be upon His shoulders, the increase of this kingdom, its peace, security and prosperity there shall be no end (Isaiah 9: 6 -7). This was confirmed by Angel Gabriel to Mary, when he brought the announcement of Jesus birth (Luke 1: 32 -33). How can this come about in this world? How possible? The prophetic word is, The zeal of the Lord God of Hosts will perform it (Isaiah 9:7). God Himself will bring it about one day. And I say a big Amen to it.
My counsel to you, to the pastors and the Churches is, let's get back to the true message of the Bible, and make ready a people for that kingdom.
Are you preparing yourself for Christ's kingdom? Can you say to yourself, you are ready now for it?
May we all make ready for this kingdom that comes from Heaven in Jesus name. Amen
Shalom, life and grace to you
Moving people onto God's purposes
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@johnsonkoranteng @sirknight @sc-g



You are right , truelythe end time is here with us and God calls on us all to repent and seek His Kingdom. Good to share with us.


The Good news is that the Kingdom of God is here and in our hearts.


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