God hired you to work on his work!

in #steemchurch6 years ago

"We have seen the message that God gave to Israel through Amos, but after all, who was that prophet?" This is what we are going to meditate on today's reading.

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See what Amos said to his own respect: "I am not a prophet nor do I belong to any group of prophets, I barely care for the cattle and I do the harvest of wild figs, but the Lord took me out of the service with the flock and said: ' Go, prophesy to Israel, my people '. "(Аγ 7.14-15)

Amos was a man of simple origin and God called him to be his spokesman. Even the language of the countryside was not impeded, because God used it to speak to the people.

Anyone can be called by God, regardless of their profession, schooling, social class or the place where they live.

The apostle Paul wrote: "Brethren, think of what you were when you were called." Few were wise according to human standards, few were powerful, few were of noble birth.

But God chose what for the world is foolishness to shame the wise and chose what for the world is weakness to shame what is strong. He chose what for the world is insignificant, despised and what nothing is, to reduce to nothing what is, so that no one will boast before him. (1 Corinthians 1.26-29)

God has a mission for each one of us. In God's work, everyone has their place. It is He who awakens in our hearts the desire to do something for Him and for our neighbor.

The Lord is able to use us exactly as we are and still enable us to do much more! What are we waiting for? It is time to say to God: "Send me, Lord!"

For the kingdom of heaven is like a man, father of a family, who went out in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. And having agreed with the workers a denarius a day, he sent them to his vineyard.

Leaving close to the third hour of the day, he saw others who were in the plaza unoccupied; And he said to them, Go you also into my vineyard, and I will give you what is just. And they were. He came out again around the sixth and ninth hours, and did the same.

And leaving near the eleventh hour, he found others who were unoccupied; and he said to them: Why are you here all day unoccupied? They said: Because nobody has hired us. He said to them, "Go also to the vineyard, and you will receive what is just.

When the night came, the lord of the vineyard said to his steward: Call the workers and pay them their wages, starting from the last to the first. And when those who had come near the eleventh hour came, they each received a denarius. When the first also came, they thought that they should receive more; but they also each received a denarius.

And when they received it, they murmured against the father of the family, saying: These last have worked a single hour, and you have made them equal to us, that we have borne the burden and the heat of the day.

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He, responding, said to one of them: Friend, I do not hurt you; Did not you agree with me on a denarius? Take what is yours, and go; but I want to give to this last, as to you. Is it not lawful for me to do what I want with my own? Or are you envious because I am generous? Thus, the first will be last, and the last, first; because many are called, but few are chosen.
Matthew 20: 1-16


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