Steemchurch Telos Village - Land of the Rising Sun will wipe Many Tears Away

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Image source- Yours truly

In my first submission about @Sc-telos, I emphasizd that Telos VIllage will bring prosperity to the parishioners of @Steemchurch.

I chose to tag the tree as one which stands for prosperity because I so believe the words of our leader @Sirknight who has promised time and again the empowerment and blessings that would be shared on the Telos platform.

This idea was borne out of the fact that I see Steemchurch as a tree which will bring forth mant fruitful branches added to the ones we have already because she is rooted on values such as love, freedom, truth as conveyed in the Goodnews of the Gospel of CHRIST which we share daily.

Within these months of my activity on the #steemchurch, I can boldly say that @Steemchurch is built on values such as love, freedom, truth as conveyed in the Goodnews of the Gospel of CHRIST shared daily. With that, it is expedient that the fruits that branches that stem from a tree like @Steemchurch will certainly be filled with LOVE and PROSPERITY.

Again, as I pondered more on why @Sirknight dedicated as much as 2 weeks for parishioners to share their thoughts on the Steemchurch Telos Village, my understanding grew. Moreover, with my views on other submissions by parishioners especially with the current from @celestial15, I re-examined my focal scripture concerning the Telos VIllage of Prosperity.
Psalm 36: 7 – 10 (LB)

How precious is your constant love, O God! All humanity takes refuge in the shadow of your wings.
You feed them with blessings from your own table and let them drink from your rivers of delight.
For you are the Fountain of life; our light is from your Light.
Pour out your unfailing love on those who know you! Never stop giving your salvation to those who long to do your will.

You may wonder why I keep holding unto prosperity, it is simply because I had cried many tears while in my state of poverty and wretchedness unto the Light of life came to me.

Losing a father at a tender age for me was very hard to bear, especially, as one who had enjoyed every bit of his life. To me, it was the end of my existence. Many thoughts as far as taking my life were options, yet, it pleased God to save me.

2012 was a terrific year for me. I never knew the Lord and things got worse at the demise of my father. His relatives took away his possessions and left my helpless mom, myself and siblings in a state of misery. Indeed, everyday was like a night to me and the anguish of ,my tears seems to know no end.

It was during these difficult days that a friend brought a message of salvation to me. It was difficult to accept as I tried to question the power of God whom I thought shouldn't have let my dad die. Little did I know that The morning Sun, the Bright and Morning Star, even the Light of life - Jesus Christ could bring bag life and smiles to me. That smiling picture on my avatar is deliberate.

As captured in that focal scripture, knowing Jesus Christ has been the fountain of life to me and I have derived my light and shine from His Light. He poured His unfailing love on me and gave me His salvation. He ended my misery and became the morning that seized my tearful nights. He made Psalm 30: 5 become real in my life.

... Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.

Today am glad to share my stories to inspire others that God's not dead. Today am strong and comforted in the Lord who has been my source. Amazingly,he brought many people into my life to rekindle my joy and truly, you members of @Steemchurch are among the list.

I won't stop singing...

I will extol you, O Lord, for you have drawn me up and have not let my foes rejoice over me.
O Lord my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me.
O Lord, you have brought up my soul from Sheol; you restored me to life from among those who go down to the pit. - Psalm 30: 1-3

Hey! to you trying to give-up, wait yet a bit. Your sorrows and troubles are not the end of you. You will smile again. Jesus is the bright and morning Sun. He will lighten you day.

To @Steemchurch parishioners. Hold on and keep the hope concerning Telos Village, surely, I believe that many tears shall be wiped away.

telos-village image.png

Image source- Yours truly

I hope to see you all in @Steemchurch Prosperity Village!


Image designed by me

I hope you'll engage my post with your comments, upvotes and resteems. Thank you.

I am @Evegrace


Excellent design dear Evegrace, it is a very sad fact that you have lost your earthly Father, although there is no substitute on earth to fill that void, God is our loving Heavenly Father who does comfort hearts. Keep clinging to prosperity, sooner or later the sun will rise for us and we will be fortunate for the blessing of God in Telos village steemchurch.




Nice design my friend:))

Posted using Partiko Android

@Evegrace, I know very well the tears you've teared, but am glad that they have become a story and a part of your testimony.

Sweet design!

Yes!, many tears would be wiped with the continuous expansion of @sc-telos. Thank you for this great message.

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