Timely teaching on Leadership!!

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Dear Community, just beginning in 2019 and I thank God that despite all the inconveniences that the year 2018 left me, my heart is full of gratitude.

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Today I was talking with people of influence and success who have a whole life in the service of God and the advice that was most heard in relation to leadership in the Church, was to be an authentic and committed person.

In every leadership meeting the question always arises: What is it for You to be a Leader?

For some a heavy burden, for others it is glamor. It becomes a goal, to be just for being. What it will bring in various problems, because it does not understand what is necessary to be a good leader. To understand, truly, I believe it is necessary first, to have been led. We know that being a leader is not a title or a state like in (Matthew 23:10), but serving.

Know that the leadership position requires a large amount of commitment, sacrifice and responsibility. The good leader is not selfish. On the contrary, he abdicates his wills to find the best for the next. The good leader is always subject to the GOOD LEADER!

Up to this point, you may have wondered: "It's okay, but I do not want or intend to be a leader."

We do not need to be leaders of large ministries or even departments of our Church, but know that we can be spiritual leaders for many lives! And also be family leaders. In the Bible there are leaders of various types.

There are political leaders such as kings David and Solomon, Moses and Joshua who took care of their people, laws and justice. There are war leaders like Gideon, Samson and Joab who organized the armies for war and plotted victories. In the same way, we can lead at home, at work or at the university. That is why it is of vital importance to know what is necessary to be good leaders, because we are responsible for those lives and we will be accountable one day.

Leadership is like a candle lit in the middle of several extinguished candles. The candle that is lit abdicates its will to be the only one to be lit, and makes the other candles are brighter and brighter than itself. This means that one of the roles of the good leader is to lift, lapidate and make his leaders reach even further.

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Keep in your heart that to lead you must have commitment, humility, love for your neighbor and be a person who speaks truth.

This text can, in some way, change the way we see our leaders, also being support for their lives. Because it is known that the unfathomable blessings of God are also manifested in the lives of those who honor their leaders.



Thank brother @emiliocabrera. This teaching is indeed timely. Hirelings every where. I pray the Lord will bring sanity this 2019.

Behold I will do a new thing He the LORD says.........

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A leader must always lead. One thing i have also learnt about a leader is that;"A leader knows the way!, He shows the way!, and He goes the way! These three things must be portrayed by a leader.

Praise God brother, everything that this publication contains is very important, love, commitment, humility and being authentic without good points to develop. It happens that many leaders leave humility and authenticity. Thanks for reminding us of this. In hug.

This is indeed a timely teaching on leadership. Indeed, we have to grow as leaders for ourselves so we can learn to consciously take decisions on things that bother us and other.

The leader must be visionary in order to know the heart of God for God's people.

Happy New year CEO @Emiliocabrera

Amen brother. God is calling leaders and that is something great, I, like many of us, we feel great esteem and pride for our leaders, just like you and darlenys, committed real and true, Sirknight is not wrong with you. But wiser are you who fear God and use nothing for self-glory or self-gain, because to do so would deceive men but never God and that is fatal. Always grateful Emilio ..., my time will come to serve and give back to our church: @STEEMCHURCH

Good morning my brother, happy new year, I'm back. Good teaching about directing and guiding, in the family, the performance of a father or mother with their children, will show an effective form of leadership. Hugs

Nice read. I leave an upvote for this article thumbsup

Amado en el Señor. Si un líder produce influencias positivas y constructivas en la masa que dirige estará edificando sobre la misma base que edificaron Pablo y todos los apóstoles del Señor. Debe haber una entrega de amor en el liderazgo en donde morimos nosotros para que el Señor impacte en otras personas a través de la vida del lider. Buen mensaje. Sigue adelante, no te rindas. El lider rendirá cuenta delante de Dios tarde o temprano. Bendiciones.

A leader, correctly points to the road, does not force them to follow him, motivates with his example and thus gets everyone to address in that direction; they accompany each other

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