in #steemchurch5 years ago

"2 And the LORD said, What is that in your hand? And he replied: A rod. 3 He said to him, Cast it on the ground. And he threw it on the ground, and it became a snake; and Moses fled from her. 4 Then the LORD said to Moses, Stretch out your hand and take it by the tail. And he stretched out his hand, and took it, and it became a rod in his hand. "Exodus 4: 2-4


God tells Moses to release the rod, and it becomes a serpent; Then, God tells him to take it by the tail; In other words: Take it the other way. God was giving a turn to that rod. Moses always had her by the head; He puts it in the hand of God, it becomes a snake, and when he takes it by the tail, the head is down, crawling. That is the change that God wants to make in your life. All things, He wants to turn them; But this does not happen, but until you release them in your hands. Meanwhile, things will keep biting you; You think you have them under control, but the marriage continues to affect you, your children continue to affect you emotionally, you continue to suffer need. It is not until you put the things that you have in your hand, in the hand of God, that you can then take them in the right way, with the head down. God told the serpent that it would eat dust. Moses was not supposed to be in the desert for 40 years eating dust, but since he had not put what he had in his hand, in the hand of God, the change had not yet happened.

Moses flees from the serpent, just as from Egypt; When you run away from the responsibility that you have in your hands, what you have to do, you move away from the divine purpose. It is not until you take them by the tail, that everything begins to change. God was saying to Moses: It is you who have the power to bind and loose, who turns power on and off, who decides when things begin to change; The power is in your hand.

To the question of: What do you have in your hand ?, Moses responds with contempt: A rod. When he let go, he became a serpent, and when he takes it, again on a stick. And that is the same thing that happens in the church. We have experiences with God, He opens our mind, but later, what we have in our hand is a rod. You are motivated because God told you to open your business, that you are going to prosper, but you open and do not sell anything. The same thing was happening Moses. God says: Here is the power, there is the snake. But when he takes it, he has a stick. God does not remove your emotions or your perception because they are necessary to exercise your faith; Because we who live by faith, we do not move by sight. So, there has to be resistance, and resistance is when your emotions tell you that you can not do it, but something inside you tells you that you can. That is the man of faith, the one who rises above what he feels; When he does not want to praise God, that's what he says: Now I'm going to praise him; Look how I raise my hands. God does not take away your perception so that you exercise your faith; Because you do not live by perception, but by revelation. Now Moses had to understand that what he had was a rod, but the day he needed it to become a snake, what he had to do was release it. What you have to understand is that, when you need God, there He will be.

"6 Jehovah also said to him, Now put your hand in your bosom. And he put his hand in her breast; and when he took it out, behold, his hand was as leprous as snow. 7 And he said, Put your hand back into your bosom. And he put his hand back in her breast; and when he took it out of the breast again, behold, it had become like the other flesh. 8 If it happens that they will not believe you or obey the voice of the first sign, they will believe the voice of the last. "Exodus 4: 6-8

What Pharaoh had to obey was the voice of the signal. We are producers of evidence. The evidence of what God does with you speaks louder than anything else. Against the evidence, nobody can fight. You are a producer of evidence; You are here for the power of God to manifest in your life, and the world to see the evidence of what we preach. Your country changes, not because of a word, but because of what they see in you; The result of the Word in your life shows them that they can also have them in their lives. Nothing that is preached is as powerful as the evidence of God's power in your life. That is the voice of the signal. And God said to Moses: If they do not believe you first, they will believe you the second one.

After turning his leprous hand, God tells Moses that now he would become like the other, a strong hand of authority; Your hands would be at the same level; Your life, balanced. Perhaps you are strong in one area, and weak in another; But the time must come when everything you do, with your right or your left, has the same result. The Bible says that everything will go well for you. That some things have to go wrong, is for others. There are problems and difficulties, but God said that everything will be fine for you.

God says to Moses: Put your hand in your breast. When he took it out, he was leprous. It says: Go back and put it on. When he took it out, he was healthy. God was showing Moses the relationship between the heart and what you do. He says to him: What you have done, you have left leprous because your heart is leprous. Moses leaves Egypt, because he killed an Egyptian who was whipping a Hebrew. Moses was doing what God had told him to do; God had told him that he was going to free the people of Israel from Egypt. But he tried to do it with his hands, which were leprous because his heart was bad. Moses now had a rod of authority in his hand, but he must know that power, with an incorrect heart, is a dangerous weapon. Money in the hands of someone with an incorrect heart is dangerous; Equal a political position. Because power in your hand, without the right heart, can cause great havoc; And what God does for good, becomes a curse.

You have received blessings in your hands for which your heart was not ready. You will think: If God knew that my heart was not ready, why did He give it to me? Because it was not God who had to know that your heart was not ready, but you; He promised you that everyone who sows, reaps, and He can not stop His Word. The problem is not knowing what to do with the blessing; You sow, you harvest, God multiplies it, and you do not know how to manage it. Power in the hands of someone with the wrong heart is something very dangerous.

Today God tells you like Moses: You have to look at what is in your heart.

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This is an expedient task, making our hearts ready at all times. Thanks beloved sister for the word and encouragement.

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