Castle, Knight and Eternal Rock

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

In these last days, I have had many dreams with castles, and in my moment of prayer many scenes came to my mind.

I started looking at the castles in the biblical context and what God wanted to speak to me for this time. The Hebrew word bi · ráh, translated "castle" or "fortified place", only appears in the books of Daniel, Esther, Chronicles and Nehemiah, ending between 536 and some time after 443 a. E.C., once the Babylonian exile ended. (1Ch 29: 1, note; 2Ch 17:12; Est 1: 2, note.).

I remember that a few days ago I said that @sirknight was like Nehemias, a lifes rebuilder. So it was very easy to make an analysis about what the castles mean, us and God. Nehemiah built a castle, where there were only ruins.

Actually what @SteemChurch means and the impact it will have on the world, we all have to visualize it with our spiritual eyes.

It is written in Psalm 133:

It's like good oil on the head,
Which descends on the beard,
The beard of Aaron,
And he goes down to the edge of his garments;

Moses used an expensive oil to anoint Aaron as the first high priest of Israel (Exodus 29: 7) and to dedicate all priests to the service of God. David used the example known to represent the unity of the brotherhood, like the anointing oil, shows our dedication to serve God with all our heart and causes blessing, like the dew that descends on the face of the earth .

In this figure, the anointing oil and the dew, we discover an action of "descending". This harmony, this blessing descends from God and affects the whole body, all the people and each person in particular, the result is that the unity blessed by God bears fruit in good works.

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In our most difficult moments, we can contemplate what the disciples of Christ saw on the Cross. They saw the Son of God slaughtered. To Holiness, murdered. To Innocence, pierced. Mothers cried ... evil laughed.
And the apostles asked themselves perplexed, "When all good things fall apart, what can good people do?
Psalm 91 answers this question with a statement. "I say to the Lord: You are my hope, my castle, the God I trust." And, today, we must remember that God is still our hope and our castle. That He is still in His Temple, on His throne, and is still in control of everything.

And he still makes prisoners princes, counselors of captives, and Sundays after Friday. What he did back then, he still does today. It's up to us to ask him to do it.

Whenever we meet @sc-v the sister @lorennys delights us with a song that is entitled: "May this house be full of your glory", that's what our lord wants all of us who represent his temple to be full of that glory of his presence that "Shekinà" that transforms our being, men and women capable of believing him until the last consequences.

Today is a good time to say to the Father: "This house that is me, all be full"

@Sirknight represents a noble knight that God has chosen in these times of crisis, the castle means that God is with him for the protection of a people, Coincidences? I do not think so. With God there are no coincidences. God, your guardian, protects you. "Under His wings you will be safe."

Commentator F. Meyer says that there are four types of calls the hen makes to his chicks: The llama (1) When it is already getting dark, (2) When danger lurks. (3) When he has found food, and (4), simply when he wants to be close to his chicks.
Jesus appropriated this image of the hen, when he said in Luke 13:34, "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you kill the prophets and you stone those who are sent to you! How many times I wanted to gather your children, as the chicken gathers its chicks under its wings, but you did not want to! "
Jesus would have saved and protected Jerusalem and its inhabitants, but the people did not want to. They did not want to go to Him. They did not want to dwell in the shelter of the Most High nor to take refuge in the shadow of the Almighty. "Instead, they shouted:" Crucify Him! Crucify him! "
Our Lord wants to reunite us under His wings, because He sees the darkness that is coming ... He sees the danger that lurks ... He also has food for us ... HIS WORD, and above all, He wants to be with us.

Max Lucado says: If God had a calendar, your saint would be marked on it. If God drove a car, your name would be on the car's bumper. If there is a tree in the sky, He will have inscribed your name on the trunk.
And we know that God has a tattoo, and we know what the tattoo says, in Isaiah 49:16, "Recorded I carry you in the palms of My hands."

God is always going to raise someone to fulfill his purpose, in ancient times he always needed a man to carry out his plans. At this time God has raised a Nehemiah to lead this beautiful life project called @SteemChurch. He is a noble knight, a warrior who has kindly invited us to his castle. Let us at this time be faithful people to be multipliers of the goodness and call of God, we are founded on the rock, which is Jesus, and the days that we remain to live are the days of greater unity and power, is something that was born in the heart of God for this time, for this day we have to see the glory of God on earth.

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We are in the middle of a fairy tale, where after so many obstacles we will obtain the victory and the desired freedom, we are in the middle of a liberator. Only the fact of knowing that God is our Fortress gives us peace and security ... comforts us .... It gives us comfort and hope. Your Word, Lord, is a balm for our life.

We will see the desire of @Sirknight to build and build the fallen (walls). The struggle and perseverance of a leader even in the face of the greatest obstacles. This is the beginning of a great revival of the people of God on earth and we their protagonists.

There is reward for the one who trusts in God. He is blessed, happy, happy, who puts all his affairs in the hands of the One who can do everything, in the certainty and complete assurance that our rock, castle and liberator does not fail. the single fact of being able to count on Someone we can fully trust is a beautiful and valuable blessing for our lives.

Habakkuk 2: 2-3

The Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and declare it in tables, that the one who reads in it may run.
Although the vision will still be for a time, but it hastens to the end, and will not lie; although I will delay, wait for it, because it will surely come, it will not be long.

God bless @SirKnight and God bless @SteemChurch.


Castles, Knights, Apostles, Beatitudes, Jesus & God. Six of this Knight's favourite things Apostle Darlenys.

SteemChurch will go on to become the largest Christian community on Earth. For now though, we must patiently await Hardfork 20, followed by Community and SMTs.

Keep the faith and stay on the path to freedom.


Excellent teaching apostle darlenys, a spiritual food that we all need. Knowing that God is our castle, our strength and our protection brings comfort to our lives.

So many things we can learn in the inspiration of this publication of the apostle Darlenys, the fortress that represents the castle, the hen with her chicks symbolizes the shelter of God and the Sirknight leader as the Nehemias of this time, thank you for remembering my favorite song

Good teaching @darlenys01 I pray for more wisdom to continue to teach us right

Beautiful message Apostle @darlenys01. "David calls God my rock and my castle ... The two epithets refer to the natural characteristics of Palestine, where the steep and almost inaccessible rocks give protection to the fugitive, as David had frequently found in the time in that Saul was persecuting him (1 Samuel 24:23; 22: 5). But while David took refuge in the rocks, he put his hope not in his inaccessibility, but in God the Lord, the eternal spiritual rock "

Good teaching sister Darlenys, I like castles, they represent a place of shelter, also the presence of God does not make you feel safe.

wonderful message apostle @darlenys01 the image is very beautiful, represents the vision of the church and fits perfectly with the work of God. @sirknight powerful warrior, the strength of God and your a valuable woman in the kingdom.

Dear Apostle @darlenys01, like you wrote in your conclusion, let the vision be written down. It is for an appointed time. Our eyes will see and we'll be grateful to God for the manifestations.

Then David said: I love you, O Eternal, my strength. Eternal, my rock and my castle, and my deliverer; My God, my strength, I will trust in him; my shield and the strength of my salvation, my high refuge. This message reminds us that despite the storms we have a place to choose us, thank you Apostle @darlenys01 for reminding us that God is our eternal rock. I bless your life and the life of @sirknight people chosen by God.

Blessed be the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, apostle @darlenys01 you are a sent from heaven, called to proclaim the virtues of him, who called us to his light .. I impact the revelation of the image above, the vision is tremendous.

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