in #steemchurch6 years ago

Hello dear Kings and Queens of kingsdom, beautiful morning to you all, yesterday i started a series on "Building a godly character part 1".

If you didn't read you can read it NOW in order to flow with the continuation which is the final part.

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Character is formed at the human heart. Your heart is the seat of your character because those things which proceed out of the mouth comes from the heart. See Matt 15:18-20.

The bible makes it very clear that the heart is desperately wicked; out of it's abundance, the mouth speaks. It's contents are dangerous because they are intangible, invisible, and inaccessible.

Character is formed from information, information is the raw material for character.

Information is like a seed that terminates into a tree called character. It follows this principle; information forms action, action forms habit,habit forms character and character determines destiny.

You have no destiny If you lack character.

People with ungodly character are those that consistently yield to ungodly information.

The kind of information you gather determines to a great extent the character you exhibit.

Environment also determines the kind of information that will be at your disposal.

If you surround yourself with men of corrupt mind they may tend to influence you to act like them


The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes and their mindset- Williams James.

There you can improve and work on your character only if you are willing to do so because you have:

  • DETERMINE TO CHANGE : Renember that determination fights impossibility, it is not something that you will wake up to see that it has gone, you must think over it and decide to do all it takes to quit your former self.

  • GUARD YOUR HEART WITH DILIGENCE: Proverbs 4:20 says "My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words".

  • RENEW YOUR MIND WITH THE WORD OF GOD: Rom 12-1-2 says Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

You should know what you are trying to achieve and so you need more of God's words to always be your strength.

  • DEVELOP A POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE: You should be careful of the kind of things you say and the kind of things you ponder on, they all have effect of your attitude, a positive perspective of the world and things around you can help you build your character.
    Also speak positive words into your life as your words could mould your life.


  • KEEP A GODLY COMPANY: 1cor 15:33 says "Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”

Your company goes a long way to influence and if its ungodly you would join your clique too in their ungodly ways.

  • BE READY TO CONFRONT EVERY NEGATIVE ATTITUDE: This is just an easy step to achieving your breakthrough, be quick never to imbibe any form of negativity.

  • LOVE OTHERS AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF: Don't live for yourself alone, love others around you bad treat them right, also be prepared to serve God and humanity. Don't value material things more than your life.

  • FINALLY "PRAY ALWAYS": Make it a habit to always pray, try and devout time for the Lord on daily basis and lay your problems at his feet.

Child of God, make a deliberate effort to change your mindset and build a godly character, the steps above will really be of great guide to you if you follow them judiciously.

Remember that true leaders cultivate character with the fertilizer of self discipline and you must discipline yourself if you must build a godly character.

Your Character will either make you or Mar you!

Thanks for reading, could you please Upvote and Resteem for more visibility?

Thanks for reading, i hope you are blessed!


@therealwolf 's created platform smartsteem scammed my post this morning (mothersday) that was supposed to be for an Abused Childrens Charity. Dude literally stole from abused children that don't have mothers ... on mothersday.

This is amazing

Our characters are like smoke, they cannot be covered. Nice post dear.

Exactly, can't be hidden for too long


Thank you for sharing. I have upvoted your post and resteem it to my followers. This is to support you on this community


Thanks a bunch @cherylsonty for this. I really like the first point there, "Determine to change". That is the prerequisite, though it's by God's grace. First, makevup your mind. Remain blessed.

..feels like I just stepped out of church
Well done @cherylsonty

God bless you @cherylsonty!!
Steemit needs more quality posts like this one!!
Bear Hugs!! x0x0x

Thank you so so much daddy, you are the best and i love you!

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