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RE: Christianity is a Death Cult

in #steemchurch5 years ago

I'm pretty sure the holy books are pretty clear... Luke 19:27

But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me.'"


well firstly it's a parable, and you do what a lot of con-preachers do, take the passage out of context to make a pretext (thinking of joel osteen et al 'prosperity gospel yeah!')

however, the bible is very clear - those who do not repent, get with God, realise how fallen they are but that God made a way for all our sins to be forgiven and we could start again with a new heart and a new mind living forever with no disease or suffering, are going to suffer some horrible plagues as described in revelation 8,9,15,16 mainly.

now if God was doing this without warning He would be a monster. but the fact that He's given everybody 2000 years to get their heads right, that He is patient and long-suffering, despite what men are doing to other men, and the horrendous crimes to His children He has suffered, He still gives everyone the chance to realise the truth.


First, you say the Bible is a parable then go on to say that the Bible is very clear. Okay...

Second, even if every word were true, I wouldn't care because I am European it's not the religion of my people.

no, i said that passage was a parable. if we cannot even communicate basically there is no point in conversing further.

you're right though, christianity is the religion of God. if that's not your people, then i refer you back to reveleation 8,9 15, 16. not pretty. peace.

Actually you didn't state that passage as a parable. You stated

well firstly it's a parable

To someone unfamiliar with the bible and the concept of a parable, it could quite easily be assumed that you're referring to the entire bible itself.

if we cannot even communicate basically there is no point in conversing further.

Well, your highness, terribly sorry this man disappointed you.

you're right though, christianity is the religion of God. if that's not your people, then i refer you back to reveleation 8,9 15, 16. not pretty. peace.

Fear marketing to as a last resort to get people to think in your lines.

You are the one that is unchanging in your beliefs and will not listen. Yet you accuse others of having no flexibility.

How about you question your 'ineffable' beliefs?

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