in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemians,

Greetings to the #steemchurch and everyone. I just want to share an interesting subject today. The Call to a soul winning lifestyle

Matthew 9:37

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.


Oftentimes, we are so occupied with other activities that we pay little or no attention to soul winning. We rather sit in our local churches, holding religious gatherings that focus more on our needs, while we neglect the multitude of souls outside the faith.

God is looking for soul winners, who will go to the world to harvest souls. It is part of our responsibility. Evangelism is the primary assignment for all Christians in the world, and there is no substitute for it.

Luke 19:10

For the son of man came to seek and save the lost.

While Christ was on earth, His primary pursuit and engagement was the salvation of sinners. Christ lived, laboured and died for this purpose, leaving us an example to follow. As believers, our daily concentration should be sharing the Gospel of Christ. We have been called, chosen, and commissioned to save the lost through preaching the gospel and we must carry out this responsibility with a sense of urgency, because time is running out on us and the sous we're supposed to have saved.

From the old Testament dispensation, God has been charging His saints to go out and preach His word

Jonah 3:2

Go to the great city of Niveveh and proclaim to it the message I give you

The apostles also followed Christ's examples and urged believers everywhere to preach the gospel.

2 Timothy 4:2

Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage- with great patience and careful instructions

Just like the early Christians did, we must arise and take the gospel of the Lord everywhere at any given time.

In Mark 16:15, Christ mandated all Christians to "Go in to the world..." This explains why the early Christians "went forth" and preached everywhere. It is a command to go outside the confines of our local churches and preach.

For us to achieve this aim, we must have Christ-kind of compassion for the lost souls. It was love and compassion to save the world and that brought Christ into it. The same love and compassion drove Him to sinners not minding the consequences and risks involved. Christ's love for the world was unshakeable compassion. It was perfect, sacrificial and active. We are called to demonstrate such love and compassion for lost souls. A deep, burning, Christlike love and compassion compel a true Christian to sacrifice all that is necessary for the salvation of others.

During soul winning, boldness & courage are important. However, the courage and boldness needed for soul winning are imparted through the Holy Spirit as we see in the case of the disciplines.

Acts 4:31

When they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together, and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.

The courage for soul winning can be acronymed thus:

C - Confidence in God: Fear and timidity that stops you from preaching the gospel will vanish into thin air, when you've total confidence in the power of God to save the lost.

O - Obedience to God: Obedience to and the fear of God replaces the fear of men.

U - Unity with the Godhead: Anyone who is united with the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit cannot be harmed by mere morals.

R - Righteousness Of God: Proverbs 28:1 tells us that "The righteous are bold as a lion"

A - Anointed by God: When the anointing of the Holy Spirit falls on you. You will receive the boldness and courage to preach the truth and withstand any storm

G- Grace of God: When grace comes on you, you become a fearless proclaimer of the gospel of salvation.

E - Empowerment: Christ has empowered us to become soul winners.



Romans 10:14

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?

A lot of people are living in ignorance of the word of God. Take for example the people of Niveveh in the book of Jonah. How will our neighbours, colleagues, friends and family members believe in Christ Jesus if we don't talk about Him to them?

Here are some of the dangers of not telling others about Christ;

1 Ripened Harvest will be lost and wasted: There are many souls out there who are ready to receive the gospel, and when we neglect to share it with them, they might end up going to hell.

2 Disobedience: When we fail to preach the gospel, we disobey God and God frowns at disobedience.

3 Christ will be ashamed of us:
Mark 8:38

If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels

4 We miss out the soul winning reward: There is a reward available to those who win souls for Christ. Proverbs 11:30

5 It might rob us of inner peace: Sometimes, we get disturbed over a lost soul. We get worried and this might take away the inner peace especially when we haven't find the courage to speak to that person


I just want to use this opportunity to appreciate, everyone who has been reaching out to souls through their blog. May God Almighty in heaven bless and reward everyone in Jesus Name...Amen!

Shout to these amazing personalities #steemchurch #christian-trail #flaminghelpers #forgodsglory

Thank you for reading

God bless y'all



80% of people in the church today are there because somebody invited them to come.

8 out of every 10 people says they will go if someone invited them to church.

1 out of 10 people in the church is likely to invite someone to church.

Information from The unchurched next door by Thomas Rainer.

Our best evangelism remains the simple act of inviting someone to church.

Thank you @ammyluv.

Wow! Great information. 1 out of 10 people in the church is likely to invite someone to church. I really think, we need to do more

Fantastic contribution.


very nice to remind people of the great commission we were given by christ which is to go out making disciples of all nations

Yeah! Thank you for reading & visiting my blog. God bless you

Wonderful post @ammyluv! Thank you for reminding us! God bless!

Thank you for reading & stopping by! God bless you

Soul winning takes courage and courage comes via the Holy Spirit. He has giving us not the spirit of fear but of sound mind*

Exactl! Thank you @samest for reading & visiting. God bless you

Thanks for sharing this and breaking down COURAGE for us.

You're welcome. And thank you for reading & visiting. God bless you

Soul winning is God's number one business here on earth. Great post!

Thank you @edwin23 God bless you for reading

Exactly what is. Keep reaching out and your reward will be plentiful as the Bible rightly mentioned.


Exactly! The heavenly reward will be ours in Jesus name.

Thank you for visiting my blog

This post was presented in the TCCNS on Flaminghelpers' discord server. You can see the report here

Thank you guys for having me. God bless

Thank you for this inspirational post @ammyluv, reminding each of us what our duty is. It inspired me to find new ways to spread the gospel.

Thank you for reading & visiting. I am glad my post inspired a great personality like yours. God bless you

Our commission is to Go and Make Disciples!!!! Thanks for sharing :)

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