The power to practice the word of God

in #steemchurch5 years ago

Steem Family, many blessings for You.

In the second letter to the Thessalonians, Paul remembers that God chose us to be saved and exhorts us to persevere, in our walk with Christ to heaven:

... from the beginning, God chose them to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and faith in the truth. Therefore, brothers, stand firm and keep the traditions that you have learned, either by word of mouth or by letter from us. "(2 THESSALONIANS 2: 13-15)


One of the secrets to be firm in Jesus is to hear and practice the Word of God! She has the strength we need to keep going and never give up!


In chapter one of James, the word of God exhorts us to not only be a listener of the word, but mainly a practitioner; (SANTIAGO 1: 21-22) Many Christians have heard talk of love of neighbor, love of enemies, but can not exercise love to those who once made them sick, have heard of forgiveness, and do not forgive even their own Brother, your pastor has certainly preached on the importance of the Tithes and Offers and how much it is determined to negotiate the tithe, even so there are brothers who fight against the practice of this word, and have constantly negotiated the tithes and offerings that are of the Sir.

It is also true that many times we have already heard about missions and evangelism, many more of us arrange any excuse not to practice that order of the Lord Jesus, so several Christians have stopped receiving anointing and power, because the Lord Jesus himself spoke in Luke 4: 18-19:

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, he has sent me to proclaim the release of the captives and the sight of the blind to set the oppressed free, 19. and to proclaim the year acceptable from the Lord.

Keep in mind this text of the Scripture that there is an anointing for those who practice the word, which is written in MARCOS 16: 15,17, the fate that is the miracles of healing, the conversion of souls, accompanied us, that we that they have to go is why the anointing can follow us with destiny, which is the strength of the practice of the word of God!

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A divine message. Often, the prophets claimed that their message was the word of God. For example, when Jeremiah began to prophesy he said: "The word of the Lord began to take place" (Jeremiah 1: 4, 11, 13; 2: 1).

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Well said SteemChurch, good comment

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