The Era of Unfaithful Stewards

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)


MOST of the men that we call pastors today can NEVER, EVER model faithfulness to their followers because they themselves are NOT faithful to the Source of faithfulness – God Himself. Let me explain.

In the past few years, God has been opening our eyes in the church to a lot of ways that believers have deviated from the ancient paths, the apostolic foundation He gave us through the teachings of His Apostles. A major area of this deviation relates to church leadership.

God has made it clear that the current mode of ONE-MAN leadership style over the church, usually called PASTOR, is COMPLETELY unscriptural. There is no teaching, precept, or precedent for this exalted position in the New Testament.

Through the Apostles, the form of leadership that God gave the church is through a group of men known as ELDERS. These elders are A TEAM OF EQUALS that function through mutual submission to one another in love, in submission to the Head, Jesus Christ. This is how Jesus Christ leads His church directly from heaven. This is His chosen CHANNEL OF DELEGATED AUTHORITY in the church. He did not give us the one-man leadership style that is common today. A style that is both CARNAL in origin, and completely ALIEN to the Scriptures.


As the Apostles planted the early churches, please note the uniform testimony of Scriptures on the form of leadership that they instituted for ALL THE CHURCHES:

“"And when they had ordained them ELDERS IN EVERY CHURCH...." (Acts 14:23)

"For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest ... ordain ELDERS IN EVERY CITY…." (Titus 1:5)

(Please note these key words in the above passages: Elders in EVERY CHURCH, EVERY CITY. And here are some applications of this leadership concept by three different apostles)

"And from Miletus he sent to Ephesus, and called the ELDERS of the church." (Acts 20:17 )

"Let the ELDERS that rule well be counted worthy of double honour...." (1 Timothy 5:17)

"The ELDERS which are among you I exhort...." (1 Peter 5:1)

"Is any sick among you? let him call for the ELDERS of the church...." (James 5:14)

This is the MIND OF GOD, His sovereign design for church leadership. The leadership model introduced and implemented faithfully by His Apostles in ALL THE EARLY CHURCHES. After their departure, the apostate Church of Rome, inspired by Satan, rose up and overturned the true apostolic foundations of the church. They introduced the position of 'REVEREND FATHER' as the head of their parishes. It is this unscriptural position that has today transformed into the position of PASTOR in the protestant churches. A direct adoption from the Church of Rome, created in TOTAL DISREGARD for God's structure in the early church.

Now, let's come to our days. Through many writers, God has been drawing our attention to this anomaly in our leadership structure in the church, and urging us to REPENT and RETURN to the pattern He gave us. Because the church MUST return to the ancient paths in preparation for the return of Jesus Christ.

Most of the pastors, particularly those on Facebook, cannot deny reading enough posts, articles, etc, that show clearly BEYOND ANY SHADOW OF DOUBT that the ONE-MAN leadership system does NOT exist in the Bible. They know this position is NOT from God. Some have known it for years. But these men are neither REPENTING nor RETURNING to the foundation of the word of God!!!


Let's do a quick exercise. Please mention three pastors that have repented from this FALSE leadership position, stepped back from the post, and handed the church over to the leadership of Jesus Christ through elders - as He ordained through His Apostles.

Oh, you don't know three of such pastors? Ok, point to just two? Still difficult? Okay point to just one! I guess you may struggle to find a single one! Hopefully, there may be one or two somewhere, but even this accentuates the point that 99.9% of these men that we call pastors are NOT eager to repent, and to lead the church back to God in repentance.

Do you know why faithful pastors are rare to find?

Because MOST of these men are NOT true men of God! They are MEN OF POWER! Some were sent into the church directly by Satan (2 Corinthians 11:13-15). And some that were genuinely born again have tasted POWER and have become corrupted thereby.

They are men that love the pre-eminence and the power of their position ABOVE their love for Christ. And ABOVE their respect for His word. For every GENUINE child of God trembles at God’s words, and repents when he knows he is in conflict with the word of God. That is how we know a GENUINE child of God. He puts Jesus Christ ABOVE everything in life – family, career, wealth, position, power, etc. This is what it means to be TRULY born again.

Anything that we put ABOVE Christ is AN IDOL. And, in the context of this article, MOST of our pastors are idol worshippers!!! Worshippers of power. Worshippers of position. From which they are unwilling to turn away.

1 Corinthians 4:2 makes it clear that ALL MINISTERS OF CHRIST, stewards of His mysteries, MUST be faithful. This faithfulness is A CORE, NON-NEGOTIABLE INGREDIENT of Christian ministry. In CLINGING to positions that God did not create in His Church, are these pastors FAITHFUL to God - as this passage clearly demands??? The answer is an obvious NO!


Yes, I know that some may hide under the cloak that these things may take time to implement. But I am not even talking of implementation. I am simply talking of REPENTANCE! Open repentance. Confessing to the church that the leadership structure has been wrong, and that the pastor will be stepping down in due course - handing the church back to the Owner of the church who is DEMANDING that His sheep should return back to the foundation He gave us through His apostles.

The day you hear that a single pastor has repented in this way, please let's broadcast the good news to the glory of God!!!

Please permit me to be a bit personal. About five years ago, the Lord gave me A VERY CLEAR WORD to His church. He said when He starts calling the church back to repentance, Pastors will NOT budge. Pastors will resist His move, and will lead many down the path of destruction. Here’s an excerpt from that article, "... most pastors will rather die than go back to the simplicity and truth of the Gospel that will challenge the souls of men. Too much is at stake for them, and for their reputation. I repeat it, most of them will rather die than lose everything they have laboured for. They have passed the point of no return. And if these pastors can mortgage their souls like this, I feel extremely sorry for all those that opt to continue to follow them."

That was in 2013. Till today, that prophecy is rock solid. Pastors are NOT truly repenting. Since that first article, about a dozen more articles have been written about the REBELLION OF PASTORS against God in this end-time.

In spite of all the re-think and re-adjustments that many believers are making in our daily lives today, our ONE-MAN pastors are clinging to their UNGODLY leadership positions like Mugabe!

Rather than repent, many are paying lip-service to the ongoing changes in the church. Pretending to also be changing - while clinging to power. Clinging to their IDOL with both hands!

Brethren, you follow such men at your own risk. A man that is NOT faithful to God, can NEVER be faithful to man. And can NEVER model faithfulness as the Bible requires of ALL genuine church leaders.

These men will become a liability on all men that continue to reject the leadership of Christ in the church by clinging to this false and carnal leadership structure. For if the leadership is wrong in the church, followership can NEVER be right. For the Bible expects followership to IMITATE the example set down by leaders (2 Thessalonians 3:9, 1 Timothy 4:12, 1 Peter 5:3, etc). This is why Apostle Paul was ALWAYS affirming his faithfulness to the Gospel. Leaders will reproduce after their kind.

As the Day of the Lord fast approaches, you can continue to follow the leadership of MAN in the church, or turn your back to man - and go seeking for Christ.

In these days of Isaiah 40:3-5, you CANNOT have it both ways - unless you want to deceive yourself - like the pastors.

The Owner of the Church wants to have His Church back.

Follow Him. Or follow your pastors.

The choice is yours! Please choose wisely.

Thanks for reading, God bless you.

(PLS NOTE: The ministry gift of 'pastor' that we read in Ephesians 4:11 is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from the leadership position of 'pastor' that is common today. In the early days of the church, it was just one of the five-fold ministry gifts – actually the fourth in the list of five gifts. But today, it has somehow metamorphosed into the position of the leader of the church! Do you see the difference? In Ephesians 4:11, the pastoral gift was designed by God to WORK ALONGSIDE the other four ministry gifts to nurture and build up the Body of Christ. How ‘Pastor’ became a DOMINANT LEADERSHIP POSITION in the church of God remains a mystery.)

Thank you for your enormous contributions to my blog. Happy Sunday dear.

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