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RE: Testing out For Best Voting Bot Results

in #steembottracker6 years ago (edited)

Since when was it ever rational to throw your life savings into any investment? Especially one which you don't understand properly. That was irresponsible 100 years ago just as it is today. Imagine all the people that threw all their savings at Bitcoin at $20,000 and expected it to be at $25,000 by now and now don't have money for bills and debts. Would you spare a thought for them or do you think suddenly they share more of a burden of responsibility all of a sudden? Would you be ok with someone saying they wish they could find the people that told them to buy Bitcoin and chop their fingers off?

Why are people so desperate to avoid the pain of realising they put themselves in their own situation they intentionally cast themselves in the role of the powerless helpless victim?

Listen to what he says, he says the affiliates lied to him. Really? Tell me, do you think someone that throws their life savings into something wouldn't need to believe in it to such a degree that they might have also recommended it to someone as well at some point? The reality is if he didn't tell people then it's an admission that he knew he was gambling away his money, otherwise he wouldn't feel as if it was such an indefensible proposition that he'd never be able to convince or defend the idea to anyone. If he did recommend it or defend the idea to someone (both of which might as well be the same thing) then it's an admission that he'd considered the arguments and come to HIS conclusion. The reality is no one told him to invest in Bitconnect, and I dont know a single big marketeer that ever gave the impression anyone should put in all their money in fact they would often make it clear NOT to do that.


If he did recommend Bitconnect to someone, or successfully defended it to the point where someone put money in, does that mean whoever was convinced by him can justify calling him a liar and that he deserves to have HIS fingers cut off? The reality is everyone in Bitconnect either believed it would collapse eventually in which case they can't possibly start screaming about how they didn't know and it's someone elses fault now, or they believed their money was safe there. If they believed their money was safe then they will have defended the decision to invest it it, they will promote the platform, not only to other people but also to THEMSELVES.

If they are laying all the blame on affiliate marketers then their only argument for Bitconnect could be "well some nice man on the internet said it was a good idea". Now obviously no one will admit that they would be stupid enough to consciously say that to themselves or anyone else and still think that makes sense. No, what they will have done is use actual arguments that are completely separated from any affiliate he's talking about. If they believed the arguments then why can't any of the affiliates also have believed the arguments? If there was doubts in their mind then it's an admission that they had doubts but decided to gamble and gamble BIG despite that.

Listen to him saying @trevonjb lied as if they had to know anything more about what was going on than he did. The tools and affiliate links to give out was available to him too right there on his account. The only thing that would make him someone that he says is a liar that deserves to have their fingers cut off is that they gave out a lot of links. Remember, if he didn't recommend or defend it to anyone, it proves he must not have been that confident about it, AND YET he's telling you he threw in his life savings.... And this makes sense to you? The reactions from people like the man in this video are people who refuse to accept responsibility.

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