in #steembees6 years ago

Great Minds,

I am not really a contest freak steemians for some reasons, not that I am not interested most times but for lack of time to enable me put in my very best because to me, if I must contest then I have to give in my best to win.
Notwithstanding, this is my community and @kingbee is an account I am proud of and ready to see it success. The fact that the contest is coming from @kingbee, I gat to squeeze out time for it.

Back to the contest 'Men are not scum' . first I must say, that it can not be said otherwise, yes men are not scum and can not be scum. It is an aberration and a misplacement of words perhaps if for any reason a man is termed or regarded as scum. It is uncalled for in the first place, rightly expressed itbis an embarrassment to say the least for such and unsolicited word to be used to describers a human and a super hero human 'man' in this matter.

Without pouring much of my pain and disagreement over this matter, let me try to define or rather say the meaning of the word scum;
Image source

Different dictionaries and books of reference give different though similar meanings to the word scum; some of these meanings are as follows;

  1. According to WEBSTER'S NEWWORDTHESAURUS, scum is synonymous to froth, film, impurities, residue, trash.
  2. URBANDICTIONARY.COM describes the scum as the word used to describe someone so disgraceful that he is seen as the lowest form of life. It put scum to mean worthlessness, waste of skin, dirt, nothing. It is far worse than most other insults and it is used usually only in exclusive conditions where it is the only word for the job. It makes the victim feel like the lowest of low.

I made several efforts to search more for the meaning of scum and why it should not be used to describe a man. Most of the findings in regard to meaning are also embedded in the above definitions.
From the above definitions, it is clear that men are not scum at all, I mean men are not worthless, dirty and should not be looked down and pushed to the lowest of low.


Well somehow, I have paused and tried to reason other way what is called inverse reasoning seeing things in the other person's eye. Why would someone call a man scum? What on earth will a man do to be regarded as dirty and relegated to the lowest of low?

Before I could close my eyes and open a lot of shocking and revealing answers started wriggling in me and immediately my opinion started changing. The following behaviours and actions of a man can make him to be termed scum. They include but not limited to ;
a. A man who rape young innocent girls can be seen as a scum.
b. A man who defile underaged children through any means is a scum. Yes there are a lot of terrible stories of adults defiling very little babies of 4 years and below.
c. Men who sleep with their own female children can be described as scum
d. Men who prefer fellow men and forbid the natural soft spot can also be regarded as scum.
e. Men who beat up their wives and look down on women.
f. Men are scum are usually from women who have either suffered disappointment in a relationship or had issues with a man. Some women have even vowed never to marry again and they declared all men are scum. But they should open their eyes and see relationships that are flourishing and marriages that men are being celebrated. May be the problem is from them.

Another reason the word, men are scum is evolving is from the feminist who feels men are women are equal in all respect but forgets the Bible put men as the head. So in case of their argument they termed men as scum.
Image source

Well the list seems unending but as ugly as these might be, it should be made clear that these men who indulge in these evils are insignificant and can not represent nor soil the reputation and status of the honourable man. To prove that men are not scum, that is why such evil men who exhibited such scum when spotted out no matter who and how highly placed they are, are made to face the law. In fact they have no space with the real men.

Finally whatever prompted this contest, let it be so clear from my own point of view that men are not scum. Though one or two men may display some ugly traits that put them in scum description. It is normal that in very 12 there is a Judas. The good thing is that the Judas dies out while the Gospel continues better and stronger. So perhaps there are pockets of men that will or do manifest such dirty and worthless life they will have no place with real men.

Live sweet and enjoy life

Thank you for reading

Your thoughts are welcomed


Hello princeso!

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I always knew I was going to be rich. I don't think I ever doubted it for a minute.

Amazing entry boss, I guess you have given me more insight to the topic at hand.. Thanks for this beautiful piece and I wish you success bro.

Is it weird that I only poop once a week?

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