
Auction is now opened. Starting price is: 150.000 SBD

Bids will be accepted until cashout time: 2018-12-11 05:26:48 GMT

Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @allcapsonezero's bid of 150.000 SBD

The #steembay Auction has finished.
The winning bidder is @allcapsonezero with an amount of 150.000 SBD - Congratulations!

Congrats @allcapsonezero!!!

Enjoy! Just in time for the new season with new reward cards.
You'll be starting out in the Silver league with 1040 points.
Doing the daily quest will earn you 5 of the new reward cards / day.
I sent you a wallet message with my email.
We can get on SteemMonster discord and find someone to do escrow for us. I'm wizardave on their, also...

Awesome! I will get the ball rolling on this when I get home from work today... Thanks!!!

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