The Incredible Female Achiever (T.I.F.A)

in #steembasicincome6 years ago

That's what my name stands for. I believe every human are born with a purpose in their lives. And I strongly think I've found mine.

My purpose is to achieve a happy and meaningful life for myself and others.

This is a huge purpose, which scares me all the time. I'm not sure if I can achieve this myself, even for others. But my heart is telling me to keep going. "This is something I must achieve", is what my heart tells me.

I believe this is a life-long purpose which will never be achieved, hence I'll always be an achiever. A female human who will always be trying to achieve happy and meaningful life for herself and others.

I started with what I believe in because I'm looking for people who believe what I believe. I do not say where I'm from, what I'm doing, or my background because I believe those are unimportant. I'm looking for comrades who believe in what I believe. The reason is to join forces to do what each of us do best in achieving happy and meaningful life in ourselves and others.

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One of my strength is writing, in a way that I can bring people into my story. That is why, I've continued writing in WordPress until I've discovered Steemit one month ago. Steemit is an incredible platform that allows me to write and spread positivity, and at the same time pays me a sum of money. This is like a dream come true for me. Since then, I've devoted myself to spread simple practices and positivity to help myself and others in achieving happy and meaningful life.

Along the journey, I have found people who likes my writing whom I really appreciate but I've still yet to find people who believe in what I believe. However, this is a progress, a process that I must undergo.

If you are that person, will you join me in helping yourself and others to achieve a happy and meaningful life?

This is me, The Incredible Female Achiever (TIFA).
Thank you for reading.


Hi, nice to se what your name means. I have not found mine yet. But my name is Dan and maybe some can tell what they think this should be:-)

Hi Dan, maybe I can help you in this.

What are the traits you'd like to possess? or What are your strengths? Or even, what makes you, you?

Piece these together and look for words D.A.N :)

What defines me:-)
I am a helper. Life le to help people that wants help. I love to read about self growt. I have been working with almost everything, my last job was bank manager. Leading 30 people. I’m good with finance advises. I’m not good at to much details. I like to call it simple and straight out. I have had problems with saying no to people. I like justice.
I like to solve problems and go in. Don’t like to Iive in the past.
I hate to argue:-)

Wow nice!! You are very interesting :) I like the part where you said "I like Justice" and "Don't like to live in the past".
I'm sure you already have an idea what your name stands for :)

No, I’m blank...:-)

Hmm I'd hate to define your name for you because it's you who knows yourself best.

Well, no need to rush. I believe the idea will come when it's the right time :)
Just because I'm doing it, doesn't mean you "had" to do it, right? You have your own time, Dan~

Hi @tifaong happiness is a state of mind. A way of thinking not having nice things like some people believe. It starts with getting rid of negativity and negative people from our lives. To achieve happiness we have to change the way we think so it is possible to always be happy. Happiness comes from inside ourselves not outside ourselves

Hi @markkenard, I totally agree with what you've said. Happiness comes from within and right now, not when I .... Getting rid of all negativity is also a method to be happy in your lives since those people are soul-sucking vampires which sucks out your life battery.

Well said @tifaong everything we think is a choice. We just have to choose happiness and choose to never get stressed

Yeah, exactly. We always need to be conscious of what we choose to think :)

Getting to a state where we can empty our minds is also a big benefit. I learnt how to meditate about 25+ years ago and when you do it for a long time you get to a point where your mind is always quiet unless you choose to think about something. You also never wake up in the middle of the night worrying about anything because when you reach that state you stop dreaming. It’s been years since I had a dream. Some people may think that’s a bad thing but it’s not. It’s a just a symptom of a quiet mind. My wife says I’m the most chilled out person she’s ever met. I work on commission only and sometimes in quiet periods with no sales I get close to having a zero bank balance but still my mind is quiet as I don’t worry about it. With faith and mindfulness we may not always get what we want but we always get what we need. Meditation, faith and daily prayer asking for help and strength always gets me through. Meditation is a very good skill to learn. Our conversation has given me a great idea for a post so thank you for that.

Wow, so one of the long-term effects of meditation to you is, peace of mind became a habit, a natural process for you. This is the first time I've heard of it. All these while people have been portraying it's a conscious effort. In your case, I believe in the beginning you put in effort, but eventually it became natural, is that right?

Your circumstances made me think, sometimes we worry too much on petty stuff, aren't we?
I'm practicing meditation too using a meditation app on my phone. Everytime after meditation, I feel energetic, recharged and at peace. I love that feeling! 💖💖

Really? I'm looking forward to see that post of yours 👩

When I would go to bed when I was young I would find it hard to get to sleep because of all the voices in my head. They were the sounds and voices of everything I had heard that day and everyone I had heard. It was like trying to sleep in a crowded room with everyone talking. Meditation stopped all that. So it not only gave me peace of mind but also peace and quiet. Keep an eye out for my post. I’ll probably write it tomorrow

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