in #steembasicincome6 years ago (edited)

I'm going to be giving out five @steembasicincome shares to five people and to have a chance to get them, all you have to do is tell me why you shouldn't get them.


Yup, you read that right, tell me why you shouldn't get them. I said it would be fun and it is. Its not what you expect. This contest is open to anyone and will last for one week, until payout of this post. To enter, just make a comment on this post about why you shouldn't get a share. Upon payout I'll select the best comments and reward the post creator with a share into the program.

Be creative and be funny. I like funny. Insert jokes, do whatever to show that you shouldn't get the shares. Contest starts now. Tell me why you don't deserve a share.


If you give me the shares, I am going to use my profits to support laboratories that experiment on animals to develop make-up. I will increase my use of plastic products and buy a car that uses the highest octane petrol available. And I'm going to raise my children to be the most selfish people ever with great pollution strategies.

You had better not give it to me. The ripple effect will be felt for many generations...

Why? I'm just a Part-time Steemian. I put out absolute JUNK, from some of of my posts you'd think I'm some dumb lefty Mary Sue feminist that flags every Libertarian Nazi that won't do as I say. Just look at it! Then again, maybe not. I don't even like the latest Star Wars trash. I may just end up buying my Black Gothic make up developed by @reonlouw Arrrrh!

Look man, I appreciate what you're trying to do here, but I can assert without fear of contradiction that I do not, under any circumstances, deserve to win any shares of Steem Basic Income.

Allow me to elaborate.

Have you seen what I post about on my page? I mean, for the love of gawd, there are people out there blogging about science, about health, about healing depression and raising children and being good stewards to the Earth, and halting the spread of deadly diseases. And then there's me.

My page persists on a steady diet of horror novels, comic books, and video games. I talk about things that have no possible way of changing the world. I can't explain how to pick up chicks, or dudes, all I can explain is why you should read this book about urban legends.

And movies. Movies! When did they ever save somebody's life, am I right? People my age got the crap kicked out of us in grade school for geeking out over sci-fi during study hall (I had some harsh teachers, man), but here I am talking about Star Wars on laser disc like its gonna lower your cholesterol or eliminate your body odor. Trust me, I'm a geek, not gonna happen.

So you know what? Take your SBI shares and stick 'em with somebody else, anybody else. I don't need them, I don't want them, and nobody else should want them either. Anybody who does want them, you let me know and I'll contribute to the Kickstarter to have the pinecone removed from their rectum. Burns a guy up, know what I'm sayin'?

Thanks for reading, now let me lose your contest in peace.

Well, you are from Indiana and I live in Illinois. No way I can support the corn state.

Hey, I get it. You lost the Super Bowl to us only eleven years ago. Not surprised you're still grieving. ;)

You got a 100.00% upvote from @votefun courtesy of @rishi556!

I’m a natural cynic so this sounds too good to be true.

You got a 50.00% upvote from @votefun courtesy of @rishi556!

You should not give me a share because I never post from my own account! Ain't nobody got time for that!

The legend himself has entered my contest?????????? faints

It came out right when I was working on the contests list for SBI update. Sometimes I enter them myself if it's easy and fun.

I want 1 share of SBI from you so I am intentionally doing things to win your contest so you should sponsor them who really doesn't deserve it in your contest since they said they don't deserve. Those who doesn't deserve it will deserve a share of SBI. If I don't deserve something and I get it, this is what we call undeserving and unconditional grace.

You should not give me a share because I told you not to. Do as I command

Maybe I won't listen to what you say.

You shouldn't give me those shares because I am totally phoning this comment in.

I should not get them because half of my SBI shares you have given to me.

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