What universe are you in? Contest worth 10 SBIsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steembasicincome6 years ago

Universe building.png

Do you live in a galaxy far, far away? Or maybe where no one has gone before? Or where you might meet muggles?

Or are you like me, spending time in those and many others as often as I can?

What I love about fiction is it can transport you anywhere in any time. Even places where there is no time.

The best places I've been are rich and deep - they go much farther than the story being told. The world the characters exist in becomes its own universe. Endless tales could be told from within a universe, and it always leaves us feeling like we want to see more of it.

And that's what this contest is about.

I want to hear about the universes of your favorite fiction. It can be from any source you want - books, TV series, or movies.

The rules

To be considered you need to:

  1. Give the name of your universe (think "Star Wars" - the main name people might know it by)
  2. Describe the universe in a comment or in a post on your blog (post the link in the comments if you do it this way). Tell me what you love about it and why you want to keep going back.
  3. Upvotes and resteems not required, but very much appreciated. If the post makes over $10 I'll double the prize pot! No paid promotions will be counted towards that payout though.

The prizes

1st place: 5 SBI to the answer that makes me want to go to that universe the most
2nd place: 3 SBI to my second choice that makes me want to visit their universe
Random draw: The remaining entries will be put in a random draw for 2 SBI shares

My selfish reason for choosing this topic

If you haven't heard, @freewritehouse has started a NaNoWriMo challenge (for the uninitiated that's a contest where you write a novel of 50,000 words or more in 30 days). And one of the key things about writing a novel is world building, which is the topic of this post. The best worlds become universes.

Take Harry Potter as an example. It's a story about a boy who is cursed and has to find a way to finally break it and meet his destiny. But the world that story happens in is so detailed, and created so well, that you could drop into any part of it and have more characters and more stories to tell that have nothing to do with Harry Potter. Readers, or watchers, imaginations can go wild thinking of the wonderful - and scary - things that exist in that universe.

My goal in my stories is to build a world so well it becomes a universe - not just to me but to my readers.

So I'll take what I learn from people's comments and use that while I work on building my world for this novel I'll write in November.

Plus, I'm just curious!

Join us!

If you're interesting in joining the totally insane but incredibly rewarding task of writing a novel in a month visit @freewritehouse's post and comment your intentions to get added to the Discord server.

There will be prizes too! But the details on those are still being worked out.

In the meantime...

Share the universe you like to spend your time in and be entered to win some SBI shares!

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In my universe it is normal to be able to be with your guardians (People who help you in something specific in your life, work, hobby, whatever), get in touch with the other side, be calm and be able to see everything with more clarity, have a third eye a sixth sense.

When you deviate from your path, your Master (It is the representation of your life itself) turns black or each part of him hardens like a rock, ending his life, you can resume your path and bring back to life your master... but if you do not, you lose contact with him forever.

and you become mortal, in a no-way

Thank you @joseda32 for your description. I'm familiar with the concept of nirvana, but are you talking about a specific fictional universe in modern times? I'm good with ancient writings too, I just want to understand where you're coming from.

Yep, it's a place where you can be with the energies around you, a peaceful place where everything is calm.

But there is a group of people who could stay with only bad energy, people who only think about harming others, corrupting people.

that would be my universe, a calm place with a disturbing group that wants to change it in its own way

Hi! @ntowl

My universe is Hourex- G17.

G17 for Galactic location.

In my realm every creature will be youth of 20 year and will be forever and are capable to time travelling changing the state of their body into aur, water, fire etc element form. They are known as God/Gaurdian of universe.

The most interesting part is that a majority of troops travel in time to reach planets of mortals
and share them the knowledge of going to higher realm of ourselves or becoming immortal.

Every creature whose soul enter in our realm are given an advanced body and knowledge of immortality.

They have to follow shiva swarodaya, shiv samhita, gungwar tantram, Kailash kautuk, vigyan bhairav tantram, shiva shutra,bimana shastra etc

They will learn the science of energy and five elements different robots that can be created anywhere with the codes/spells and they 'll all learn how to create new one also.

Altogether We have millions of elemental robots that can fulfill every desire and can be called anywhere in entire universe.

My favourite fictional universe is probably the one of Star Trek. A universe filled with very many kind of intelligent life-forms, with which we can interact and learn so much.

Also, in the era of replicators, money becomes irrelevant, therefore everyone in the Federation is free to live their life the way they want. Rather than have a 9-5 job they can travel the galaxy, be dedicated to art or science, or just take the time to appreciate the peaceful world they live in.

Thanks for hosting this contest, live long and prosper.

The best places I've been are rich and deep - they go much farther than the story being told. The world the characters exist in becomes its own universe. Endless tales could be told from within a universe, and it always leaves us feeling like we want to see more of it.

I love Fantasy and Science Fiction and one of my all time favourite universes is the Diskworld series by Terry Pratchett who created exactly that: A universe where you can follow every character, even Death.
There are indeed endless tales. Well, at least there are 41 books in the series.
The diskworld is laying on the back of four elephants, that stand on a giant turtle that travels through the universe. It is flat, of course. It creates satirical parallels of culture, politics and scientific issues and often its simply hilarious. You can follow the adventures of the city watch of the greatest city in the world, Ankh-Morpork, or Rincewind, a failed student of the Unseen University for wizards. My favourite novel of the series is "Small Gods".It tells the origins of the god Om and his 8th prophet, Brutha. It satirises religious institutions, poeple and practises in the best way possible.
The author created a world that can be continued by others, can be explored in great length while being familiar because it is described in detail. I always dread the moment I finish a good book, so what's better than simply picking up the next one and continue while still meeting ones favourite characters once in a while.

Here are my thoughts on The Reluctant Swordsman

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