SBI Weekly Contest #1 – Your Favorite PC Game ever

Hi everyone I have been wanting to invest in SBI shares for quite some time now but I never got around to it. I used to participate in a weekly contest hosted by @zpedro but he stopped doing those a while ago.
So I decided to start making my own contest to give out some SBI shares! From now on every Sunday I will host a contest for 1 SBI Share!

#1 Your favorite PC Game ever

To kick this weekly contest of all you have to do is Follow me, and comment with your favorite PC game ever along with some kind of memory about it.
I played a lot of different games growing up and I loved them all but if I had to pick one as my favorite game ever it would have to be World of Warcraft!
I remember racing my friends to see which one of us would be the first to go online on Skype after school and spending the rest of the afternoon playing WOW with them.




  • Follow me
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  • That is all! No mandatory upvote but it is greatly appreciated!

The winner will be picked randomly and announced in the next week post, good luck everyone!


Hmm for PC it will be a little different than compared to console, so I will go with "Phantasy Star" basically I love it because I always wanted a real time action rpg game which could be played online and Phantasy Star made it a reality at the time it was one of the best out there, I have spent a insane amount of hours playing it with friends and family and the memories and fun it brings can never be replaced.

Never heard about until now, made a quick research and it looks like final fantasy, definitely a rpg I would be into if I knew about it back then.
Thank you for participating 😉

Duke Nukem 😂

Never played it, but after a quick research it looks interesting!
Thank you for participating 😉

Well, I have a similar title! Since I'm probably a few years older, WOW wasn't an option... but Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos got me playing for hours trying to finish the storyline! We got to play the 4 different races, and the cinematics and game story were just amazing!

I love Warcraft III as well, I played online mostly but I completed the story line a few times too!
Thank you for participating 😉

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Thank you for the upvote I will definitely check it out!

If you would have asked me several weeks ago, it would be XCOM2 with the Long War Mod.... now, I'm totally hooked by Rimworld!

Not familiar with those games but will check them out on youtube.
Thank you for participating 😉

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due to your participation in @rentmoney's Followers Appreciation Promotion !

I suppose Steem-Monsters would be my pick as I never paid any other PC games other then a one off game here and there.

Great pick, I am loving Steem Monsters so far! Can't wait for the tournaments to start!
Thank you for participating 😉

Bem... acho que o meu jogo favorito foi o CS. Tinha eu os meus 15 anos e volta e meia faltava às aulas para ir jogar a um cyber café perto da escola, onde só se jogava CS 1.6.
Lembro-me de lá ter tido sorte e ter matado uma série de jogadores e ouvi um rapaz a dizer "Fo**** quem é o Mafy???"
Nunca mais me esqueci. Ahahah foi dos primeiros jogos que joguei e fui bem viciada mas agora já não tenho nenhum preferido, só que esse marcou-me ;)

AHAHAH também passei muitas horas bem passadas com o CS 1.6! Recordação engraçada 🤣
Obrigado por participares!

Can I said Super Mario? 😛

Not exactly PC game but sure 😉
Obrigado por participares!

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