What Was Your Favorite Concert Experience? Leave a Comment and Win SBI Shares!

in #steembasicincome6 years ago (edited)

Hey all!

I’d like to begin by saying that I was pleasantly surprised by the turnout of my first SBI giveaway! There were 8 valid comments on my post, and three were randomly chosen to win 2 SBI shares each! Congratulations to @dkid14, @conradt, and @saun!


In my last giveaway, we curated a sweet little list of helpful Steem tools that you can check out here!

So let’s do it again! This week, I want to hear about your most awesome concert experience. I’m on my way to a 3-day Phish show as we speak, and I thought it would be fun to hear about the crazy shows I’m sure you’ve all attended!

This week will be a little different - I will only be awarding 1 SBI share to my three randomly chosen commenters, because I want to be doing this mini giveaway weekly and shelling out 6 SBI shares per week would be a big burden on my lil Steem account. I hope you’ll understand. First week winners - consider yourself lucky! :)

What Is Steem Basic Income?

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

How Will I Be Deciding Winners?

At the time of this post's payout, I'll assign a number to each valid comment (must share a sweet concert story) and use Random.org (random number generator) to pick three Steemians to award the SBI shares to. Note: If I check your profile and you are a decidedly douchey Steemian (spammer, leech) who is unfit to be graced by the love of Steem Basic Income, you will not be awarded your shares and someone else will get nominated. I highly doubt this will be an issue :)

If you were curious, my favorite show of all time was Vulfpeck at Sasquatch 2017. They’ve got the funk, I tell you what. I can’t find the full high-quality video by Sasquatch on YouTube, although I swear it exists. Ah well, I’ll just post a song of theirs instead:

I’m excited to read your comments, much love and Steem On! <3



In 1994, when I was 16, I saw Nine Inch Nails at The Coliseum in Madison, WI. The opening acts were Marilyn Manson (before he/they were well-known) and the Jim Rose Circus. Ordinarily, I also prefer smaller shows, but I gotta say, this was definitely a spectacle. :) Really made an impression on my young mind.

Awesome, that sounds epic 😎 I like what you say about it leaving an impression on your young mind, I’ve definitely had the same thing happen (of course I’m only 21, so maybe they’re still having an impression on my “young mind”) :) You’re in!

Lol, I guess I dated myself there. :) There's definitely been some impressions left since, but yeah, like you said, that was epic. Awesome, thanks!

Driving a car with a broken oil pan down to Red Rocks to watch Godsmack and Rob Zombie was probably my favorite concert experience.

I had to pour oil in the car about every 16 miles in order to even make it there and was stranded as the car no longer ran after I arrived.

BUT oh man was that an amazing show! I was blown away by Rob Zombie and thought that Godsmack couldn't do better when they came on and blew my socks off. Their double drum kit that rotated with the lead singer and drummer having a drum off was amazing. Lots and lots of pyro too.

I love it man, that’s some dedication right there :) Nice story, you’re entered m8!

I can't choose a favourite concert, as I have many. So I'll tell you about my last favourite concert, which was just last month, in Munich.

It was the Farewell Concert of Cripper, after 13 years of great music. I had the privilege of sitting right by Britta Görtz for a while! They were trying to solve some "technical" difficulties (lack of beer) and she came to where I was and sat down right next to me! Wow! 😳

How beautiful is she? 😍

PS: Thanks for this contest.

Crazy!!! It’s something else to catch the last concert by a band, what a special show. And yeah, Britta is a hottie, I love her tattoos 😍 Cheers @trincowski, you’re entered in the giveaway! Thanks for participating!

You're into Metal Music, too?

It depends, haha! I never think to listen to metal generally, but I’ve enjoyed the metal shows I’ve been to... I guess you could say it’s complicated x)

I went to a stix concert back in 2012 and we got to go up on stage and shake there hands.

AWESOME! That would be a crazy experience. Thanks for your comment @tornadoman, you’re in!

It was a music concert which was my first day out for a live concert.
it was the concert of a famous singer of Bangladesh who is Tahsan Rahman Khan.

I just love his shows and it was the first time that i was going to see him in person. I was too excited. I was at a young age back then and i was not regular to stay out at night. I've waited for some hours but that singer was not to be seen on the stage. Only some other singers were singing and that lead singer was meant to be the last surprise. But alas! I couldn't make it. I had to return for home before he started his show. The i came to my house. After that I've seen many posts on facebook about that concert showing that lead singer singing. And I was too jealous you know. That was a bad experience. Then I've attended many concerts and I'm not a kid anymore so i could wait to see him again but i could not find his concert again in my area or areas close to us.

Ouch, I’m sorry dude that sucks! Hopefully you will be able to catch his show again. It’s always a shame when the opening acts steal a bit too much of the spotlight from the main act, I hope you get the opportunity to see him again! Cheers, you’re entered in the giveaway!

thanks for you wishing this nicely.

My favorite show would be Mogwai concert in Bandung, Indonesia. That was in 2011. The venue was small, so I could watch them closely. The sounds were super loud (well, it's Mogwai concert). Not so many audiences. Feels like a private concert to me. Haha.

Nice, I love intimate shows like that. Mogwai is a cool band, I listened to them a bit as a kid but not as much anymore. Cheers m8, you’re entered!

The concert experience I thought was the coolest was going to see Aerosmith in 1993. We had tickets in the nosebleed section. While wandering around near the concessions before the show a man approached us and said we looked like fans and how would we like to sit closer to the stage. He wanted our current tickets in exchange. Turns out the band had reserved the first few rows and were giving the tickets away to attendees. We ended up third row in the center. A most excellent concert experience.

That’s lucky!!! Really awesome that Aerosmith would do that for a bunch of random fans :) You’re in!

I think my most favorite concert was by Pink Floyd before they ever became famous. It was before bands were able to have many special effects and they blew me away by having the sound come from all around the auditorium. I loved it and feel grateful I caught them before they became famous and never returned to our small city of Regina, Saskatchewan.

That’s incredible, @porters! What an insane gift to see Floyd before they got big. You’re a lucky one. :) Thanks for entering in the giveaway!

It was a great and memorable occasion. Thanks for holding the contest.

My pleasure, b!

My favourite show till date is Night of a Thousand Laugh it was a commedy cum music fiesta that spans the beginning of great artist and comedian in nigeria

Music and comedy are two of my favorite things, that sounds great... Cheers @botefarm, you’re entered!

I haven't gotten the chance to experience a concert, yet. So what I'll do is try to describe what I think would be the best show to me.

Here we go, My blood is be gushing faster than ever, I hug my best friend who I care dearly about, everything is becoming vast, but not fast, it's fading slowly, until time flies by impatiently and we're looking back at these memories.

Um i think i made a poem... hmm

No problem, your poem gets you in! Go see your first show, it’s good for your health :)

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