Twenty-one edition Lyric poetry contest - Prompt: Starry Night




In the deep night
my thought takes me
far contemplating greatness
Being that we are part of the universe.

I know you're not here now
but in a starry place
your soul remains silent
always taking care of yours.

I hope you come back soon
just be a brief wait
without transcending time
Of a love already fulfilled.

© 2019, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved

Dear Friends

Thank you for visiting my Blog.

One of the literary expressions that express the feelings of a person is represented by lyric poetry, with which we can let our imagination flow by addressing the facets of life from different angles.

As part of this expression, I present to you the twenty-one edition of the lyric poetry contest, with which I propose you can write your poems based on the inspiring theme of starry night.


[Image design by @felixgarciap with]

Lyrical poetry contest - starry night

Now in this opportunity I have to refer my friends a new call for the lyrical poetry contest, considering that each of us has a perception of what starry night (noche estrellada) represents.

Competition rules

Only one poetry is allowed, you must write a post using your own images or that are public domain related to your poetry

  • Reply below with your poetry. Deadine: 11:59 pm UTC, September 29, 2019.

That's it! But...

Also, post your entry on your own blog! Mention @felixgarciap and I'll give you an upvote and resteem your post.

And, collect a bonus point for each person you tag in your contest entry. More players, more prizes, more fun!

Languages: English /Spanish


Winner gets: 3 SBI

One free resteem from me for any post. (You choose the post. There's no time limit but I reserve the right to refuse resteem any post I consider offensive or indecent -- I'll simply ask you for a different, non-offensive post.)

One Runner-up gets: 2 SBI

One free resteem from me for any post. (You choose the post. There's no time limit but I reserve the right to refuse to resteem any post I consider offensive or indecent -- I'll simply ask you for a different, non-offensive post.)

How I Will Select the Winner

Within 3 days after the deadline, I will read all entries and choose a winner, runner-up and special recognition. While I'll take upvotes into consideration, my selection will reflect my personal preference based on the entries you submit.


I am pleased to invite my friends @simonjay, @vdux, @antoniarhuiz, @marybellrg, @charjaim, @inspiracion, @doctorlibro, @rosanita, @janettyanez, @javert68justice, @aremontilla, @lanzjoseg, @javiermontilla, @delvapin, @aremontilla, @darkfemme, @josegilberto, @salvao, @zeleiracordero, @adncabrera, @hernan27 @lecumberre, @naylet, @mllg, @oacevedo, @isauris, @aurodivys, @maparari, @botefarm, @gaby-crb, @jadms2k18, @aplausos, @evagavilan, @johannfrare, @issymarie, @yohanys, @ntowl, @owasco, and @hljott.



Results twentieth edition

For the twentieth Edition about Atachment, I appreciate the participation of my friends @sacra97 and @oscarina, their beautiful contributions have given warmth to this challenge.

This is a participation of the winners:

Winner 3 SBI : @oscarina, her poetry: Desde la ventana.

Runner UP 2 SBI : @sacra97, her poetry: Dar sentido a mi vida.


[screenshot by @felixgarciap]

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content. Frequently Asked Questions.

Waiting for your upvotes , comments and resteem.



Great poem and photograph you have there.

Thank you very much. You are welcome!

Agradecida con ese premio y felicitaciones a la amiga @oscarina muy hermosa poesía. Por supuesto que allí estaré realizando mi noche estrellada gracias @felixgarciap

I'm bad at poetry, but @mydivathings might give it a try

Excellent, you just have to express what your feelings inspire you. Thank you very much for the comment.

Welcome might give it a shot though

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