You sponsor me, I sponsor you contest - Round 2

in #steembasicincome6 years ago

Last week I launched the You sponsor me, I sponsor you contest. The idea behind this contest was to enlarge the number of @steembasicincome shares by sponsoring each other one share (or more). Since not all shares I planned to cosponsor have been "sold out" I decided to have a second round of the contest.

image source: pixabay

What is Steem Basic Income?

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Once you are part of the program you receive regular upvotes for your content as your basic income.

Enlarging our SBI together

Since I'm very excited about the concept of (Steem) basic income I'd like to increase my shares in @steembasicincome and therefore need to find people to sponsor. That is because you can get a share by sponsoring someone else into the program. Both the sponsor and sponsee then receive a share. If you sponsor each other you both receive two shares (for the price of one), which made me come up with the following contest:

You sponsor me, I sponsor you

Lets grow our basic income together! If you sponsor me a share, I will sponsor you as well.

All you have to do is the following:
1: Upvote this post
2: Sponsor me a Steem Basic Income share by transferring 1 STEEM to @steembasicincome with @erikklok in the memo
3: Post a screenshot of the transfer as a comment below
4: I sponsor you and post a screenshot of the transfer as a reply to you

Contest closes after 15 participants

Please note that the maximum number of people I'm able to sponsor is 15. When this number is reached the contest will be closed.

Lets grow our @steembasicincome together!

Image source: pixabay


Ik kom toevallig deze post tegen. Loopt je 'actie' nog? Nog nooit gedaan dit, maar wil het wel proberen.

Ja hoor, ik heb nog wel wat STEEM die ik voor SBI wil gebruiken.

Bedankt! Hierbij de bevestiging van mijn sponsoring aan jou:

Bedankt. Weer een ervaring rijker :)

Waarom ook niet? Basisinkomen for the win!


Inderdaad, leuk dat je meedoet! We zijn samen weer een beetje basisinkomen rijker:

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