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RE: Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Annoying quotes or cliches)

"What is the most annoying quote or cliche that you know or hear often, and why is it annoying?"

Probably... "Don't judge".. Because, I think we all judge all the time, the word is essentially a synonym of opinion or to distinguish.. It simply means you're trying to make sense of something by attributing certain qualities to it.

A lot of people especially New Agers tend to use this, and the people I've seen use it often use it in a way to sort of absolve themselves of responsibility or guilt. I've seen some say stuff like.. "Don't judge me and I won't judge you".. So.. I think people often use it in a way to sort of do immoral things, without trying to address the ethical implications.

People sure do love it when you judge them positively though.. If you say they look beautiful or they're smart or kind, they'll almost always thank you, but if you judge them in a way that isn't complimentary.. They will often say "don't judge" and just sort of try to handwave what you say away.

That's probably the one that annoys me most. Heh.


I hear you there, and often those that don't want to be judged are the most judgemental of all

Yes, we all judge unconsciously. It is a normal first instinct, and it really takes effort to take a step back and try (try, being the word...) to be objective.

In my day job as a musician, I always have the background fear of being judged by others (audience, colleagues...), however it is really something that needs to be harnessed. In the other hand, judgement is normal and useful, to assess the abilities of others...

Winners and the next round of the SBI giveaway (First Impressions) is here:

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