How does a Painting sound? Here is how you transform any visual artwork into music.

in #steembasicincome6 years ago (edited)



A long time ago in a Steemiverse far, far away …

Since ever I wanted to become a composer of amazing music. I am not, definitely not. For sure not! But I am very much interested in color and frequency. I was always wondering how a painting, photograph or other artwork may sound. What a secret might a painting hide if it could sing to me?

And then there was this amazing contest run by @dreemsteem and created by @eveningart. Design a sound for SBI ... follow here

Some days ago I started a series on color energy, a forgotten gift of nature - When I worked through my material for the series, an old question came up again ...

How does an artwork or a photograph sound?


My vision for @eveningart’s contest was to turn the SBI Logo (Steem Basic Income @steembasicincome) into music or at least a sound and let it speak for itself. But how?


Did you know you can turn your artwork into music - RIGHT NOW?

When I saw the contest, I thought, I have to do more research on this question. In the past, I also thought about a program to turn art into music. But this was no more necessary. I was lucky and finally, I found PIXELSYNTH!

Pixelsynth is a very cool sound art project by Olivia Jack. With this smart program, you can turn any picture, artwork or visual into music and let it sing to you. Hear what it has to tell you.

I started to experiment with the variety of settings and finally got a feeling of how to use Pixelsynth. It may take some time, but its worth it. Anybody interested in art and sound should try it. It’s an amazing inspiration. You will for sure have lots of fun with it.

You can upload any photo to the program. Invert it. Then play around with the settings, chose octaves and much more.


I had to learn...

How to bring my result to you in a video? I never did a screen recording, never created a video myself, never uploaded a video. Easy answer. I had to learn it. I wanted so dearly to enter into this amazing contest.


Now here it is:

Listen to the music I have created out of the SBI Logo:

Here it is

Link to DTube

What is SBI - Steam Basic Income?

I have it, I love it, I am thankful for it! The purpose is to provide every Steemian with a basic income for life! (as long your account is active and you do post)

If you never heard of it, check it out!

Sources / Credits / Where to get what you need?

  • If you like to check out PIXELSYNTH and see how your picture or visual artwork sounds, you find it here: PIXELSYNTH
  • You can also download PIXELSYNTH and use it for your own projects, you find it at github HERE
  • The SBI (Steem Basic Income Logo) created by @steembasicincome and much more information on how cool SBI is you find HERE
  • The music I have used for the video intro is „EPIC" by Bensound - he offers a very cool selection of own compositions royalty free for the use of your projects no matter what kind of it is.
  • Splash picture by freepik premium
  • Everything else was Quicktime and I-Movie (well, this was what I had at hand …)

Created with love by @anutu

Did you "vote for Witness"already? Please consider these amazing people as witnesses:
@c0ff33a / @derangedvisions
@surpassinggoogle / @steemgigs

Thank you very much!


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm going to listen to the music right now! hehehehehe

I can't wait to hear it :)

I did not alter the music in any way, so this is right now 100% what the logo sounds ... I did hear the stars and love passing from one hand into the other ... it was an amazing experience to help the picture (here the SBI Logo) create the music itself ...

oh wow!!!!!!!!! and it was so symmetrical!!!! with the descending notes from the left hand and the ascending to the right! it sounded like it was from another world! and your words (like Star Wars) in the beginning - i was giggling hehehehehe it was so creative and your love for WW never dies!!!!!!!!! hehehehehehehe thank you for always supporting the WW family hehehe

Yes, I was really surprised too, this symmetrical out of this world sound. It took quite a
while to work out the right adjustment of speed, select notes and so on, but it was so much fun!

WW is my family! I embrace this gift every day in my thoughts <3

hehehehe well it worked out in a neat way!!!! LOL

and yes - family family family :) i can feel the embrace from you- and send it back to you 100% hehehe

I love when I see you laughing...

Hmmmmm... so very interesting! Great information.

I just started to work with it and thought about altering the program a little bit for a project idea when I have time. I thought it might be a good idea to share it in order to inspire on thinking about the connection between color and sound. It's just something little, but maybe useful for more people.

Have a wonderful Sunday <3

A whole new world! Fascinating, @anutu!

Sometimes I wonder how many pockets with hidden delights do you have.
It is so magical and it flatters you a lot!

Let's have a look at my "souls shirt" .... yeahh there are some that I did not even open up :) ... with our little family and all the beautiful souls around, it's maybe possible to open more of these little pockets <3


I hoped to have an answer like that!
It would be lovely to have a trip around the surprises you have.

Hi, congratz, you are now listed on the Steemians directory ( You can read more about this initiative here: If you like this project it would be great if you could resteem the post to make more people aware of it.
If you don’t want to be listed just leave me a comment and I will delete your profile from the website. Thank you very much for reading and I’m looking forward to your feedback!
PS: I’m NOT a bot so… I’m really looking forward to your feedback 😊

Thank you so much @anyvoter, it's a great project and for sure a lot of work to build it. Thank you so much for including me. I would love to support your project! You can also always DM me if you like.
Have a wonderful Sunday!

This is just the most amazing entry, and one I could never have dreamed of when I jokingly suggested this as a competition idea to Dreemie! I love the way you can visually track the way the logo sounds as it's playing. Just incredible, really innovative.

E x

Thanks so much ... I really loved so much to experiment when I made it. It was so much fun. Without your idea for this contest, I would have probably never started to play around with this kind of medium ... I would love to work more with sound and moving pictures ... lets see ...

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