
in #steemartists6 years ago

@tubcat goes around giving unwashed humans a hard time for being not as intelligent as a tubcat, as far as I can tell. It's generally amusing.

What was less amusing was finally getting a good result on a jpb export (had to fiddle with Krita settings again) only for my blog to do something weird with it on upload, making the colours darker. Seeing as this was


I went with the png which worked out much better at the cost of being four times bigger. Sigh.

This post also appears on my blog.

Stuff to do

I'll probably start working on the others while working on the header because headers take me an inordinate amount of time, plus I still haven't worked out how big it should be.

Thanks for looking! ^_^

If you want to natter I usually haunt both the #teamaustralia channels (yes there's two, the PAL one and a South Pacific one for Aus/NZ), Be Awesome, and hang with the @steemartists on the server with the same name on Discord with a bunch of awesome people :D


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The steemaroo divider is free to use. Ask me nicely if you want an upgoat/cute critter footer.


Tub Cat does not wear a shower cap! But does love the hot pink. :D

I reckon you'd look fetching in a hot pink shower cap tubcat. And it would keep your head fur dry XD


I’m sure @tubcat will stop by and express his displeasure soon enough. :)

And when he does I shall scritch him behind the ears and rub his belly until he turns into a ninja and claws the crap out of my arm.


Tub Cat is more than a ninja. If there is something that is more than a ninja.... is there?

Easily one of your best creature designs so far...

I love to see how the tub itself (with paws and tail like shower) looks like it's part of the cat. If you would have put its head at the other end of the bath that would really seem to be the case, haha

Nice one! :>)

Thanks ^_^ I did have a basic template for this one so wasn't too much to come up with :) LoL I didn't even think about tubcat actually being part of the tub, I just wanted to do the clawfoot bath because they're fun to draw XD


You didn't, haha!

Yeah, I'm a huge fan of clawfoot baths myself. They always make me think of lions, a whole different kind of cat ;>)

Happy to see you going through your list like a champ, mate! A cat with an affinity for water, now I've seen everything! I like the playfulness of the whole piece. I always laugh whenever I see grumpy kitties being posed by hoomans.

Thanks! I'm feeling soooooooooo slooooowwwwwww at the moment XD


You and me both, mate! It's like time is running 10x faster!

Right? I'm looking at some of the stuff I need to do (not just the request queue, other stuff too) and then like crap it's freaking May and I've been putting some things off for months x_x


That is so cute! hahaha Reminds me, my cat is due for a bath.

Thanks! XD I need to bathe one of my dogs too. Your cat likes baths then? :D


hahahaha I Wish!

ermagherd, tubcat is adorable! in an 'I want to murder you, human, as soon as get out of this bath' kind of way. :D

I generally do a resize of saved pics using the Paint programme. It is quick & easy.

Bahahahahahaa thanks XD

Wasn't the resize that was the problem, it was the export to jpg. Krita seems to like doing awkward things with the jpg export settings every version so I have to keep changing what I have set. I managed to find some settings that worked and it looked fine on my computer but something is going on with uploads so I decided not to trust it as pretty much everything you can upload to will do some manipulation/conversion somewhere along the line XD


ah yes, technology that has a mind of its own - not a frightening thought at all ... :D

It's programmed to do that, it's just not knowing what any given thing is going to do to a file that's the problem XD


The grumbled look on that cat :D.
I heard cats hate water anyway, so I bet it's already very upset, and then the incoming posts must make it even more grumpy xD!


Depends on the cat. My cat once was quite determined to drink out of a bath that had very low water level. As expected, she slipped and fell in. There was mad scramble and splashing and tear-arsing of soggy moggy out of the bathroom and mad laughter from me, so safe to say she probably doesn't like swimming much. I knew someone else whose cat always wanted to get in the shower/bath with them and kept jumping up on the sink and trying to get into the running tap whenever they turned it on (to get themselves a drink or do the dishes or whatever).

Incoming shitposts would definitely make tubcat grumpy though XD



XD his expression is priceless ! very cute and funny piccar, ryry <3 Made me laugh !!!


Thanks! There is something hilarious about grumpy/angry cats isn't there XD This one still makes me laugh even though the circumstances were rather serious:


Sooooo cute!

Thanks! There's just something about cranky cats XD


Hahahahaha. Gold! I love this. And you got the hot pink in there too.

The shower cap was just screaming to be hot pink XD


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