Day 6 - Steem Advent Calendar 2016, Win prize everyday

in #steemadvent8 years ago (edited)

I know people say you shouldn't give pets at Christmas time but one Christmas my dad bought a cardboard box with holes in it into the living room and said, I hope you're sure about this

I opened it but I already knew what was inside because of the high pitched miaowing. There he was, a little ginger kitten. No sooner than I had opened the flaps of the box then he leapt out and tore around the room. My dad asked what I would call him and i thought long and hard before settling on in a decidedly eight year old way Mr Boom

He was the best little guy/companion/cat ever and it broke my heart nine years later when he died. He lives on in my user name though and it makes me smile when people ask what it means.. it means a lot :0)

Very interesting to find out where your name comes from! What happened to MR Boom's other lives? ;) ( joke, since cats have 9 lives).

4 Christmases ago, I climbed to the roof of the Coeur d'Alene hotel surrounded by a beautiful backdrop of christmas lights and proposed to the love of my life!

.....she said no.

Jist kidding, she said yes and we are still happily married. :D

Our favourite memory was when one year we gave every one a charity gift
from save the children
so our parents got a sponsor a child in Africa for a year , some friends s and family got clothing not for them but for children in poor countries eat is was one year we shopped directly here

My best Christmas memory centres around a Christmas in which my entire family decided to exchange scratch lottery tickets instead of individual gifts. Each of the 10 of us, bought $50 worth each. Most tickets were in the $2-$5. We put all the tickets in a big bag, shook them up and each took turns drawing a lottery ticket and then scratching them to see if they were winners. The whole process took about 3 hours. We laughed and teased each other and then my Grandmother (who is now passed) won $50 and you would've have thought from her excited reaction that she won $500,000. It's a bloody wonder she didn't have a heart attack on the spot! It was a better experience than any other Christmas because it was so relaxed leading up to the event and we had so much fun, laughing as a family. :)

I'd really like to say that it'll happen on this Christmas. Why? Because I can celebrate it with my family. I'm so happy that I have them. When I almost passed out this summer, I know that I have a lot! So I think it'll be really nice to sit together near Christmas tree again!

Thank you so much. I am thrilled to even place in this contest :)

I recall a christmas many years ago, we had gone to an aunt's for the usual christmas eve visit. There we were awaiting Dad to take us home in anticipation of Santa's arrival before next morning. Eventually Dad showed up much to late with more than a "few" under his belt. All 7 of us kids were cranky but happy to go home to receive our booty from the old fat guy. We approached our old little home town all 3 streets of it. We lived in a 3 roomed shack by today's standards over to the left on the main drag of that old wide spot in the road. All 9 of us in that little place. I was the oldest, sat right up there in the front as befitting my position in that little society. Low and behold, the old man turned of on the street to the right, much grumbling insued, Soon he turned in the yard of this large white mansion, decked out in Christmas lights, are rarity in those times. Mom and Dad got out and announced that we were going in. We whined collectively, no let's go home, don't wanna miss Santa you know, eventually it was announced that this was our new home, no more little yellow house. Here this man and his friends had worked all day, transferring all our possessions to this large 5 bedroom house, a big kitchen, living room, 4 bedrooms, and two, yes two, inside too, bathrooms. All that work and love. My younger siblings hit the pit as it was late for them. But I and my next sister a year younger than me worried for a short while if old St. Nick would ever be able to find us in this strange place. We soon drifted off to sleep in this big white house. Santa did show up of course.
Still miss you Dad. Santa wasn't half the man you were! I love you.
Merry Christmas people, regardless of what word or cultural norm you have for this season. There is good in all.

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