Honey's better than tin in 2020

in #steem20205 years ago

2020 has been brought in with fireworks sounding out around the suburb with my wife and I watching from the balcony with a glass of Moët we have had since our daughter was born. We don't have much reason to celebrate often and since we aren't big drinkers, we have quite a few bottles gifted to us sitting in the cupboard. My wife had one glass, it looks like I am going to have to drink the rest while I write.

We didn't buy any fireworks and instead cheap-skated it and went for a walk around the area with our daughter earlier to see what we could. People start early (I think legally from 6pm) and spend hundreds of dollars on sending random little explosions into the air. @smallsteps wasn't a big fan, and she didn't really get into the sparklers either - more for me.


The other thing we did was a traditional practice of melting horseshoe-shaped tin into a ladle and throwing it into a bucket of cold water. The cooling metal quickly hardens into a shape that then predicts what the new year is going to bring. Some people read it directly, others turn it in a strong light to cast shadows for interpretation.


However, we didn't use tin - we went green. Instead of melting the metal, we used pressed beeswax and it worked pretty well considering. Not great, but well enough. It was a very long day however, and this happened late so we haven't done the interpreting part as we want to do that with our daughter and she was getting very tired and impatient.

Suffice to say, at first glance, mine looked like a happy baby fetus playing on a flattened heart.....

No. no.

But while we have welcomes in the new year, it doesn't really matter much as the time around the world is irrelevant and the only counter that matters indicates it is not midnight yet.

It won't be long til the first day of Steem vision 2020 and what I hope will shape up to be a brilliant year filled with action, interaction and transaction. Communities are testing, SMTs are testing and Hivemind should be able to support the development of tools and applications that can integrate the two into a compelling and exciting matrix of user experience.

While I know that I don't do much more than write here and support where I can, I am grateful to those who do spend their time, energy and resources to give this place a fighting chance in the future. I would like to say, "you know who you are", but that is not a given. However, I am not going to name people here now and instead will ask all users to make a pledge for 2020 to help the community and most importantly;

Don't be a dick.

I will predict that there will be many failures in the last part of the request. I know a few who probably won't make it through January first. Which is a reminder for SPUD - Steem Power Up Day - which runs on the first of every month and I will be taking part.

Normally, I don't do resolutions as I don't really have the motivation to follow them through - but I do hope to get into better shape and health as well as spend more time doing things that are valuable. This includes Steem, but I might start reducing my level here.

According to the Top 100 in Asher's engagement leagues, I have placed 13th on the chain for engagement and have added 10262 comments onto the chain, plus 1009 top level posts. The posts must average 1000 words each, which means I have added about 1 million words to the chain, which works out to about 10x400 page books worth in posts.

But, I find it hard to reduce my time on Steem because I really enjoy it, yet I also know that it is possibly unhealthy as I could be doing something that supports some of that "get healthy" nonsense instead. But, I can do that mañana.

There is always tomorrow and while I am sitting here drinking expensive champagne alone as everyone else has gone to bed, I may as well write a little more as I get drunk for Steem blurred vision 2020.

Happy New Year yadda yadda!

What are you guys up to?

[ a Steem original ]



Happy new year man!

...which means I have added about 1 million words to the chain, which works out to about 10x400 page books worth in posts.

Lol, you're a machine! Hope you stay that productive in 2020. I'm staying home tonight as I am a house cat and prefer to spend this day at home with friends and loved ones. Besides, I can drink as much as I want to if I don't have to drive ;).

Best wishes to you and yours, have a blessed new year!

I have managed 3 years, this last being my least productive so far.

Staying home is great for New Years, but I am long in the tooth. I used to love house parties for NYE when young still though, rather than go to bars filled with desperate people.

Have a great year mate, and enjoy the night!

Happy New Year mate!

I will also be joining in with SPUD tomorrow, and trying not to be a dick :)

You can definitely do the first part :D

Happy New Year!!

8 minutes until the chain changes, I am thinking of SPUDding tonight :)

Happy New Year to you and your family !

I have added about 1 million words to the chain, which works out to about 10x400 page books worth in posts.

Definitely an inspiration ! I also want to increase my engagement this year. Starting from today. Also, this is my first posting in 2020 :)

Cheers !

Also, this is my first posting in 2020 :)

Technically, you are 6 minutes too early chain time.

Have a great start to 2020 and hopefully we will all be successful.

Happy New Year in Advance.

Happy NY to you also. Here's to a huge 2020!

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Happy new year Taraz. I'll not forget how you came through for me earlier this year. Looks small but you have no idea how much it meant. Here's to a great 2020.

Happy New Year to you also. I am happy to help some people out when they are in need :)

2020 might be fantastic... but this is Steem, so I won't be too optimistic internally :D

Steem price or not, I need a good year

But, I find it hard to reduce my time on Steem because I really enjoy it, yet I also know that it is possibly unhealthy as I could be doing something that supports some of that "get healthy" nonsense instead. But, I can do that mañana.

Well, I wouldn't go so far as to induce you to do some "healthy nonsense", but maybe, I'd just use a shillelagh on you from time to time to gift you something valuable which you lack and would do you some good. :)

A little sleep would help, but there is a song stuck in my head and it tells me I have to wait til I am dead.

Unlike my little pyromaniac munchkin who dual wielded his first set of sparklers at 5 XD

Is that burning thing in the pan yours? Looks like a four leaf clover to me. Good luck for this year? XD Damn that did remind me I completely forgot to do the card/rune spreads this time round, oh well.

I'll spud whenever I bloody well feel like it hit my magic number so there ;D

Maybe you should also go to bed XP

I say because I'm planning on going to bed early tonight after last night/this morning but whether that actually happens is another thing XP

What were we up to when? Last night? Drawing, editing scripts, boring data entry and randomly chatting to whoever was online at the time, forgetting to do cards and runes XD Youngest was excited because it's the first time he was allowed to stay up til midnight (he wanted to last year but he was so crotchety I put him to bed). Then I stayed up an hour longer to scream happy new year at my sister and mother before piking off to bed. I have such an exciting life ;D Today? Slugging around failing to recover from last night/this morning x_x

Happy new year and all that :)

@galenkp was the resident pyro i our family :D

Yep, it was a four leaf clover thing for luck - you read cards?

SPUD at your own peril!

Crotchety!! That is a word I haven't heard in a long time. Living in a non-native speaking country kills the vocab.

I think NY day is all about being sluggish and not recovering :)

with fireworks sounding out around the suburb

Jessus sentään! It seemed like our whole building and block was at war here in the city center. There has been few random idiots that, despite it's not allowed in midtown, shoot fireworks, on the streets, in crowds, between the buildings, but last night it most definitely wasn't random. The firework that barely rise above 6 or 8 floors sound pretty loud when they explode between two buildings. From 6 in the evening till 6 in the morning and around midnight of course was the worst. My cats have never been that scared of fireworks but this new years was a bit scary for one of them.

But we all survived. :)

Suffice to say, at first glance, mine looked like a happy baby fetus playing on a flattened heart.....

Well let's see that then. Let us here be the judges. I bet the shape is, like those usually are, something that to eeeeeeeeveryone else looks like something entirely else. A truck full of monkeys or a Monopoly game shoe pawn. As it's honey, it may be a shape-shifter though.

"get healthy" nonsense instead. But, I can do that mañana.

Aaaaaaaarrrrggggh!!!!! My ears bleed every time I hear someone say that. My ears bleed often.

Yeah, that yadda yadda too.

I was once in Senatintori for NYE and people were sending fireworks from the ground with 100,000 people standing there. It was stupid.

I took some photos today from different angles to wipe away the thought of a baby :D

The getting healthy thing is a near daily resolution for me over the last 3 years. I used to work out 5+ times a week and eat well enough - but that ended once Smallsteps was 6 months as it got to difficult to do pretty much anything but take care of her and work.

I have one word for you. Toddlerworkout. Darn, it's two words that I've just written together. Anyway. Think you gonna need a second toddler to be well balanced in your upcoming workout.

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