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RE: Something for everybody: Quality, value, spam... "Whatever"

in #steem6 years ago

A very good response to a controversy I hadn't heard of. I understand what @taskmaster4450 was getting at, but Steemit can be just as much an echo-chamber as anyone prefers, in my sight. I follow people that I like, and ignore people that I don't. I have specific tastes and I browse accordingly. I'm not sure why anyone would think Steemit should be anything other than that.

I'm here primarily for the community and the spirit that I've found here. I'm sure not everybody feels the same way, but that's okay... they don't owe me anything. To me, Steemit is the anti-Facebook, where I don't -have- to be inundated with stupid bullshit everytime I go to the site. I don't -have- to unfollow all of my friends to avoid clickbait and Outrage Industry trolling.

And the best thing is.. if I wanted to go on a tear around Steemit, flagging everything I -don't- like (a completely self-entitled and wasteful thing to do) there is nothing to stop me. Anybody who's getting all butthurt because Steemit doesn't auto-censor things should just step up and become a censor themselves... doubt there's gonna much Steem in it for them.

People are so strange.


Dear @yestermorrow, @tarazkp

I'm not sure why anyone would think Steemit should be anything other than that.,

I'm on the same page here. Indeed I think most STEEM and Steemit users are happy with current state things. My current biggest concern is a question, if Steemit can survive? And if cannot then what Steemit Inc will do with all their tokens. If they flood the market then STEEM community will struggle more than ever.


Who knows what they will do but, they can survive if needed or, splinter off into something else if needed too.

Dear @tarazkp

It's also great to see how responsive you are. Steemit need more people like you.

Thank you.

cheers, Piotr

Part of being in a community is the relationships formed between members and most of that won't come through a post itself, but the comments below, the conversations in chat etc. If we want a strong community, we have to get to know the neighbours :)

Very wise words @tarazkp

I've heard lately, that creating only quality content without engagement is pretty much like organizing great dinner, inviting people and then telling them "enjoy" and walking away. Leaving all guests abandoned.


Yes, I am being unfair on @taskmaster4450 a bit on purpose because I know he can take it. =)

I'm not sure why anyone would think Steemit should be anything other than that.

Because of the Steem/money involved. If it was on their post rather than something else, they wouldn't mind as much.

I don't -have- to unfollow all of my friends to avoid clickbait and Outrage Industry trolling.

Very good point. d yes, these interfaces that empower speech in various ways are going to be important.

Anybody who's getting all butthurt because Steemit doesn't auto-censor things should just step up and become a censor themselves... doubt there's gonna much Steem in it for them.

Not much at all but they are welcome to do it. Trending is generally a good place to start but there are many corners of Steem no one looks.

People are so strange.

Makes us interesting, at least sometimes.

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