They Always Come Back...

in #steem6 years ago

This is just a silly post for fun...  I've already seen some new posts from those who were:

  • Done
  • Out of here
  • Gone

Many, not all of them will trickle back!

Hey Guise,
I've been real busy...
<Insert post>

Anyway, they are welcome back, but it is funny.

PS..  If you haven't heard the reward pool is over full, and it will be correcting.



Should be a 3rd button saying "take nothing" that seems to be my button at the moment LOL

Whoot, my 100% vote is nearly double what it was a week ago...

:) Just thought I would test it on you.

.67 is a lot! For as much Steem as you've bought seems like you should have a $1 vote though. lol
I think next week you might be at $1.

Yea, It's pretty nice and the posts are gaining value like never before, hope it stays the same for a week or so.

Oh wow that was kind of you. 🤩 Thank you 😁

I still don't know how this reward pool is functioning! Once I had that calc, so I will try that out to get the whole idea! Anyway if we get more reward, yeah that's better!


The reward pool is "filled" based on a 30 day average of... (something) and so the pool got overfilled while we were all inactive due to not having RCs.

(yeah, I can say it, but obviously, my understanding is a little hazy too.)

I wish like the same way we can see SBD reward pool more fill! Coz I wish to see stable coin from SBD as well!


I am rage quitting in protest of this meme! Everything is not black and white, there are tons of grey areas to consider!

I'm rage quitting because the Reward Pool is clogged rather than being distributed retroactively to those of us who posted during the HF20 times. Now people get rewarded for showing back up and posting when everything is back to fine and dandy and my posts during the lean days really pay out at 0.09?!?!

I'm rage quitting because....

Oh look, something I can post about... I'm back fellow STEEMIANS! Let's Rock this place!!

Haha! Love this !!!

I planned on taking about a thousand Steem and putting it into EOS, but I reverse that thought process. I think there's a good chance that we can stand on equal terms with EOS especially with the advent of smt's in the next few months.

Yep, I've been back and forth with the same idea.

I do have some EOS, and I build this account here, I will build my EOS holdings with my EOS holdings.

I'm enjoying all this now and I still wouldn't touch EOS with a 10 ft pole - and Trype SUCKS!

haha, I check on trybe tonight... lol, it's not much. I did notice that Scorum is looking nice, but just so much about sports.

Scorum is cool for sports blogs. Do you not think that is the way forward? Niche blogging platforms? One of my 'criticisms' here is that its far too crypto orientated and so struggles to gain new members who aren't 'into' Crypto ?

I can see niche dApps on various blockchains. Actually any kind of a blogging platform that deals in crypto is great for crypto in general as it normalizes crypto to authors and content creators.

I can see niche dApps on various blockchains

Any chance you could do a post on this please with some examples. As usual it seems I am missing out :-)

I think scorum sucks too - good way to distract the sheeple with endless crap about sport... Snore...

If Steem really starts to rise there will probably be a flood of returning users. lol Things are looking very promising right now.

I have seen a couple of those "I'm back posts" already lol. I think a lot of those people really missed out though. During the slow period that we have been going through I have almost tripled my SP and I wen't up sever reputation levels. It seems that having less competition makes for a great opportunity to be noticed by other dedicated users.

Haha can't I do both :P

Oh yeah! This was a classic week-long temper tantrum. and... I think she might still be here! lol.

Yep, still semi-active. Some one should tell them that there's no Bernie on Weku 😆

Hey whatsup. Go on push it we know you want to. If you dont one of us will lol.

My choice is clear... This post kind of proves it. lol, :)

The blockchain accepts everyone but never forgets.

haha... nice

so ...basically like my ex?

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