I made 95 posts that didn't earn a thing.

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I'm not bragging:

If you wonder why my eyes glaze over when minnows say it's too hard to earn Steem.

The other day I asked if someone could find out how many times I posted that didn't receive a payout.  

@inertia answered by pulling from the depths of the blockchain...

Earning Steem is hard, building an audience is hard.  Some people who started at the same time, did better than I did.  Some didn't last, and some are still chugging along.  

It is hard to make money as an Author, try finding a publishing house.  A Singer.. Anything, it takes time, effort and perseverance.

I also did some whining along the way. . .  But I didn't quit.

Reading the current whines, makes me laugh a little.  The whine that has stuck with me the longest was one a read a few months ago where the Author was quitting because he/she had made 5 posts and still was barely earning anything.

When we started there was less competition, but due to the reward curve, most of the money stayed on the trending page.  A person could get a hundred minnow votes and not earn a penny back then.  There were no minnow groups or programs, and we did not have the opportunity to buy votes.

I hope some of the new users have what it takes to stay, but please don't tell me it is too hard.

Just keep posting, making friends, and earn some Steem



You are doing fine and
it is not about the payout.
It is about you contributing to steem.
We all get rewards. Just different amount.

Well, I'm pretty new at Steemit. I only have 30 days old, and I'm still learning a lot.

But from the beginning, from the moment my account was approved, I managed Steemit as what it really is: a social network, where I could share with people and make lots of friends, hence, a lot of engagging by my part, and a lot of commenting.

The end result?
I already have a 47 score of reputation, a whale recently upvoted one of my posts, which has a value of ~100 USD.

Although, believe it or not, those numbers don't mean that much, compared to the large list of friends that I have made during the last 4 weeks: we already chat on Whatsapp, we send texts very frecquently, etc.

For me, it has been a life-turning event: to get into Steemit :)

Welcome and I am glad you are having a good time!


The relationship between the online and offline aspects of steemit is one of the most inteteresting! And difficult to research.

Why it is difficult?

If you count comments I bet I made at least 1,000 posts that earned 0 maybe even 2,000. Without bots I might be at 2,000 or 3,000 posts/comments that earned nothing.
Steemit is not easy to make money at but even if you make nothing I still think it is better than Facebook.
I think there is a potential for steem to moon though. If steem does have staying power in 10 or 20 years a steem might be worth $10,000 or more.

I too experienced many a zeros value posts (and on things that people could actually use), so the whining to me falls on deaf ears. One thing I do is go to NEW posts to see if I can help a newer-bee, but often do not find much and return to my feed. I think this is the same for all here, there is a learning curve and skills must be honed for this particular platform. Some have a knack instinctively while others (like myself) still fight the platform. The secret I think is to just keep on going.

growth is quantized. It's not linear. You won't see much change day to day, but every now and again you'll get a jump.

I've found this - investing enoughnto get 500SP made a massive difference.

I've always thought 'life at the top' must be an interesting one - in terms of reputation I mean, when it must increase so very very slowly.

You'd hope this would encourage more selfless behviour as people 'evolve'!

When you say "just keep posting." Do you mean to post anything, including spam or to be consistent with quality posts?

It means to post something and then see that there is only 0.001% growth on your "overall value" and then do it 100 times and then some. The "returns" isnt linear nor is it instant. You just have to hustle and be consistent and get good at what you set out to do.

I mean post something worthwhile, but don't stress over it. Obviously, if you don't build an audience, your earnings will never increase.

Oh i see, thanks!.

I think is a test of test

It’s rediculous really!! If they are only here to make money then pfft, there is a great community here with the exception of the greedy and the lazy!!

I write what I want to write. I hang it on the wall and see what happens. I pay for a resteem or two to cast a wider net.

I write because it makes me high just to write. I have no plans to ever stop writing.

So even if there is no payout, and I've had a few that paid zero, I've already had my fun before I even post.

I don't complain about how hard it is to earn on Steemit much lately, though I have in the past. But I keep coming back. I am drawn like a moth to the flame of Steemit. I see a challenge and I want to crack it.

I like that... I write what I want! I want to cultivate that attitude, and tolerance for other styles.

I've also had a long string of comments that got no upvotes, so I post articles more than I post comments. But I still write what I want so that I'm true to myself.

Post, comment, comment, comment. Post, comment, comment, comment. Repeat endlessly.
This seems to me to be the recipe for success.


I lost all hope.. but I'm still here clinging for no reason.

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